Tuesday, November 10, 2015

A Day at Esplanade

We were in Suntec and wanted to wait for the night bus instead to go home. So we went to Esplanade. 

On that day, Kumar was there and the Q was crazy! So many people~!! but I didn't get to see la. Instead, I went to the artsy side. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Public Garden @ Suntec City

I have always wanted to experience the craft scene / flea market scene in Singapore but I didnt really have any idea where to start from. Lynn told me to try Public Garden. So I searched it up and found it will be at Suntec. A place that I've been to a few times. Yay me!

It was suppose to be 1pm to 7pm and I was nicely walking around at Suntec Mall. Slowly had my late lunch. By the time I wanna go, I asked thebf wat time is it. It was alre 5.45pm. =.="

And no... There wasn't enough time for me...

And I dont know if this is blessing in disguise... I didnt withdraw any money...

By the time we reached, it was alre 6pm. I only have one hour...

Alive Museum @ Suntec City

Finally i manage to do something tourist-sy. I got the free tickets from my company to go Alive Museum at Suntec City. So, made my way there on one of the Saturdays. 

Yup. the lioness in me... a fierce one.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Wow... nearly 5 months not updating. That's a record. haha

It's been nearly 5 months I'm in Singapore and of cos, still surviving. Honestly, I am enjoying every single bits over here. Who says it is difficult to survive in Singapore?!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Kung Fu Smooth Pan Mee @ Taman Sri Sentosa

I was never ever a big fan of Pan Mee. Even I live near the ever famous SS19 Pan Mee stall all my life, I never had their Pan Mee more than 10 bowls. That almost 10 bowls of SS19 Pan Mee of mine was achieved only in recent years. 

But this Pan Mee I’m gonna talk about, is the ONLY Pan Mee I would go for anytime. The ONLY Pan Mee I will never say no. The ONLY Pan Mee I’m willing to wake up extra early for. 

The chili that comes with it, I would add lime for the extra ‘kick’. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Dinner out with ahma

That day my cousin brother (Wilson) came back from Singapore and we headed out for dinner with my grandma, and of cos with his mom (sikim) and my aunt (ahyi). We didnt know what to eat and we just drove to Subang Empire and walked around.

We ended up in Din Tai Fung. It’s small, and packed.