Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Wow... nearly 5 months not updating. That's a record. haha

It's been nearly 5 months I'm in Singapore and of cos, still surviving. Honestly, I am enjoying every single bits over here. Who says it is difficult to survive in Singapore?!

The room I manage to secure was not bad. The landlord is an old lady. The room was quite big. Enough space for me to roll about. Most important part is, there is a direct bus to work. Right below, they have LOTS of different food! There's convenient stores and clinic. Damn convenient la!

There is this awesome bistro just few steps away with awesome food and awesome ice cream. And to be very honest, this is the happiest part of staying here. Hahaha!

Then, nearby there is this neighborhood mall. Just 3 bus stops away! The mall got lots of food oso! Got Japanese! Got Subway! 

First 2 months here was a breeze. I felt the whole lot of being independent, which I really like that feeling. Waking up in the morning, getting ready, leave the house and buy a bread on the way to the bus stop. Reach the office and nom the bread. Then, training. After training, head home, read a bit and fall asleep. This was before I got my 12GB data. Now that I got the 12GB data, I watch youtube until I fall asleep!

The training was interesting. It was about one and half month of training. It was rather long. But it was definitely sufficient to hit the floor with. The people I met during training was not bad. Most of us are Malaysians. Quite close knitted, until we hit the floor, we all went separate ways.

Hitting the floor was not too bad. The calls flows in like waterfall and time flies pretty quickly everyday.

Occasionally, I travel to JB to meet up with Jessi and see her mom. Then, load my tummy with all the good food and put on a few kilos when i'm back in SG. But my main purpose to JB was to do my banking. Lol...

Few months down, I fell sick. It pretty sucked to fall sick alone. At first, I did the ‘Dr. Misheru’ stunt. Got my own meds. But it didnt work. So, I got down to the clinic and see the Dr. Thankfully, the clinic is just below where I stayed. The bf then came over, and took me out for lunch.

Oh oh! Finally! I decided to quit smoking and whenever I got the urge, I put the money in a bottle. And only SGD30, I alre got no urge at all! Hahaha! I am not so addicted after all la.

Coming to SG really made me think that every shit happened really has a reason.

1, Although the money I earn here is just nice for everything. The best part is... MYR decides to drop. It's like the timing is just nice!

2, I am much happier here. Even though being alone. Like travelling alone, eat alone, walk alone, sleep alone, do what oso alone... I am happy.

3, I found someone who truly cares. Well, I know it is still too damn new to judge, but for now I am contented.

So, yep... The BF...

He knows I need to shed off those kilos bcos of my health and yet still feeds me like a cow cos he scared I will be hungry. And I will eat happily when fed cos I just love food too damn much.

When I said I need to get facial mask, and this is what he did...

Overall, life here is good and I love it here!

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