Monday, February 16, 2015

Dinner out with ahma

That day my cousin brother (Wilson) came back from Singapore and we headed out for dinner with my grandma, and of cos with his mom (sikim) and my aunt (ahyi). We didnt know what to eat and we just drove to Subang Empire and walked around.

We ended up in Din Tai Fung. It’s small, and packed. 

Wilson and ahma. 

Ahyi and SiKim.

Wilson, ahma, ahyi and sikim. 

All of us! 

This is good! Probably the only dish that’s nice and good. Unfortunately, I forgot what this is called. 

Xiao Long Bao. Not much soup in it. Still prefer Dragon-i’s. 

My cousin sister said that this Hello Kitty is replacing her and eating on her behalf... Lol... 

Dunno what La Mian. Don't really like it. It was cold and oily. Maybe it was supposed to be that way? Well, it's just not my taste. 

酢酱拉面 Cha Jiang La Mian. COLD!!! 

Wantons in soup. The wantons are not that bad. 


I find the food there was just so so and I really dont think that it is worth that price. 

After dinner, we went to Charles & Keith which was just next door. While my grandma sits and rest. I was posing to her almost all the bags to her and she laughed. While laughing, she warned me not to buy bags anymore. =.=””

Overall, the night was quite fun. I can see that ahma enjoyed herself very much. Whatever it is, as long as ahma is happy and smiling. :)

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