Tuesday, November 29, 2011

packed weekend!

it was a mad mad weekend.

i shall start from friday...
after my midnite shift, i decided to zombie-fy myself. went breakfast with SC at Famous Seremban Favourites in Aman Suria. i had the sudden crave for wan tan mee and char siew. *slurps*

after that we went over to Mutiara Dsara. from the curve, we walked to tesco where SC stocked up his "mini mart" with milk and milo... =.=" went back to the curve to leave the stuffs in the car, and then headed to ikea to walk ard... and then had tutti frutti at the curve. they got red velvet there! ^^
we then went over to e@curve to walk ard to have a look at BB 9810. in the midst of brainwashing him to get a BB. :P

headed back to his place and freshen up a bit. and then dropped him off at empire subang while i head home to sleep for my midnite shift.

told u i wanted to zombie-fied myself. :P

saturday morning itself, went for mcd breakfast and then headed home to sleep.

went dinner with the girls at hoho steamboat in kota dsara. and then went for movies in e@curve. puss in boots! so cute!
O.O "ooooooo"
went for mamak session a while near nikie's house before we call it a night.

sunday came with food madness!
woke up at 8am on an offday is really not my thing. :( but, it was all worth it.
my alarm went off at 8am and minutes later, the girls start to spam the bbm group chat. which means, i do not need to wake jessy up anymore.

got ready and waited for jessy to come over and we all went in 1 car. we headed downtown! met up with abbie, nikie and henry and the food journey begins...

1st stop was at petaling street. the red sauced chee cheong fun. then we walked over to a stall selling mua chi. the mua chi is nice! they got lots of flavors! i picked ribena and lychee. ^^ but then u can mix all in 1.

we walked to this hidden place where they sell more food. although it is hidden, but they are quite packed! i ordered assam laksa, and they ordered curry laksa and chee cheong fun. and guess what, SC sapu'ed habis the assam laksa. :P

while walking back to get our cars, we bought mata kucing. yums~ tho i can have it in MV, but still. yum~ ^^

we then headed back to PJ for our early lunch at New Restaurant Ipoh Chicken Rice. SC dapau'ed and went off cos need to work. and nikie didnt join us after the chicken rice session as she got appointment with her lecturer.

impromptu trip to genting! and i was in shorts. =.=" jessy was in shorts AND sleeveless top. =.="""

we did some window shopping and had herbal tea egg.

while we were going down hill, we stopped by gohtong jaya to have my ever beloved claypot dong fun. not everyday u get to eat this ok? and it is damn nice! :D we also had 'mao san wong' durian!

we went back KL and picked nikie up from her place and we went for bak kut teh in Sg Buloh. and while on our way back to nikie's place, we had durian...

now the question is :- michelle? durian? seriously?! =.="

ya. i dunno why i ate durian...

pictures later la. lazy to edit now.

Friday, November 25, 2011

How many of you...

is confused between below examples :-

save n safe
bare n bear
your n you're
their n they're
break n brake
than n then
desert n dessert
borrow n lend

well, not to say my English is fantastic. I admit my English sucked... but just that sometimes i see people use the wrong word, especially your and you're. heck, there's even once i was confused to use bear or bare. T.T  told u my English isnt that great and i am not afraid admitting it.

so what other english words confuses you?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Tai Chi-ing

why i got the feeling that all these are just tai chi-ing away from each other?

better give me good results, man...


Nichole Alden - Baby Now

Am I lost?
Sent too far away...
Or will my baby come running back to play?
Is my conscience required to stay?
Or can we just go home so we can work this thing out?

Oh baby
Oh baby
Oh baby now.

Oh baby
Oh baby
Oh baby now.

Is there so much harm in cutting the chase?
You've never been so loved, so wildly appraised
So bold, so young, with such an eager gaze
Oh, how I want you baby
Let me count the ways.

Oh baby
Oh baby
Oh baby now.

Oh baby
Oh baby
Oh baby now.

Oh baby
Oh baby
Oh baby now.

Am I lost?
Have we pushed this too far?
Lost into experience...
Now I don't know where home is, baby.
Now I don't know where home is

Oh baby
Oh baby
Oh baby now.

Oh baby
Oh baby
Oh baby now.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wild Wild West - Annual Dinner 2011

its annual dinner again! my 3rd time in this company. wow... 3rd yr. how time flies... and i feel so old suddenly. T.T

it was my midnite shift the night before and im working midnite on the same day as the annual dinner. but had to wake up earlier to shower and to put on cement and do mural paintings on my face. (i dont like thick make up! i only like heavy photoshop. haha!)

 i was nicely dilly dallying until one point i realised that i am very late! and i thought i will be the latest one!

as i was rushing driving to the office to meet up with jimmy, jason commented on my fb saying that the bus have not arrive. there's a bus to pick up staffs from the office to the dinner location. but jimmy needed to drive as he need to come back office earlier to support the japanese so i tagged along in his car.

once i met up with jimmy, the bus arrived as well and all of us left office at the same time.

we reached there at about 8pm i think. settled ourselves down and the night obviously began with speeches. but... we started with "YUM SENG" even the food was not touched yet.

Ciao Ristorante was not bad. the food was fantastic. especially the mutton with mint sauce. the cream sauce penne was fabulous and i took 2 rounds! i like how the location for us to dine and then there's this huge field behind it. it was pretty hot that night but it is better than last yr. but i prefer last yr's annual dinner cos i was pissed drunk. heh... talk about being a drunkard. :P

i think everyone was only anticipated for the lucky draw. cos at the end of the lucky draw, most of them just left... *poof*

for 2 yrs in a row, i didnt get anything. not even voucher. but this yr... hehe... i think my luck is back. or like what SC said, he brought me luck.

i won a 32 inches Panasonic Viera LCD TV! it really came just in time! i wanted to buy a LCD TV loooong time ago and hv been saving for it! and i got the tv! wheee~ now i need to save for CPU, wireless mouse n keyboard instead. of cos, i need a TV stand first... :P

i had fun that night. i enjoyed watching my team mates enjoyed themselves that night. we worked hard, and we definitely partied hard...


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Anthony Neely - 救命 / Jiu Ming

Shi shui wei zhui zhu liu bu zhu de liu xing
Ning yuan hai zi ji
跌进 黑暗的井
Die jin hei an de jing

Shi shui wei ai ren kan bu kai de bei ying
朦上自己 眼睛
Meng shang zi ji yan jing

Deng dao meng bi ni mai ming
Deng dao ai xiang ni yao ming
Hu xi bian kun nan
Xin tiao sheng bian huo jing
Cai fa xian you bing

Zui hou
Shui lai jiu jiu ni de xing ming
Ni tan xi
Shui hui ting jian ni de sheng yin
Xing yi xing
Ni zui hao fang guo zi ji
Chen shuang jiao hai you li qi
Kuai tao chu zhe ke pa di yu

穿越沼泽 路过阴郁森林
Chuan yue zhao ze lu guo yin yu sen lin
你呵护捧着 你的心
Ni he hu peng zhe ni de xin
心开了 柳暗花明
Xin kai le liu an hua ming
Hui tou kan yao yuan wu yun
Chu mu jing xin

Zui hou
Shui zhi de ni ru ci pin ming
Shen jing bing
Bing dao zui hou cha dian song ming
Xing yi xing
Ni zui hao fang guo zi ji
Chen shuang jiao hai you li qi
Kuai tao chu zhe ke pa di yu

Chris Medina - What Are Words

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
Anytime you whisper my name, you'll see
How every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

And I know an angel was sent just for me
And I know I'm meant to be where I am
And I'm gonna be
Standing right beside her tonight
And I'm gonna be by your side
I would never leave when she needs me most

What are words
If you really don't mean them
When you say them
What are words
If they're only for good times
Then they don't
When it's love
Yeah, you say them out loud
Those words, They never go away
They live on, even when we're gone

Anywhere you are, I am near
Anywhere you go, I'll be there
And I'm gonna be here forever more
Every single promise I keep
Cuz what kind of guy would I be
If I was to leave when you need me most

I'm forever keeping my angel close

Happy Bday Nov Babes~

at first they shared the deal's link and we agreed. and they, the bday girls discussed that this would be the pre bday dinner and the coupon will be on them. the rest, we will split the bill.

i was late. yes. me again. blame the new false lashes i bought. i failed miserably and end up, i went without the falsies... T.T

went over to pick jessy (nov babe #1). thank God i didnt get any screwing. as i was speeding. she said i dont hv to rush anymore cos she alre called nikie (nov babe #2) saying that we will be late. heh... :P

once we reached the guard house, jessy called nikie that we arrived and by the time we reached her house, she is alre in the car waiting for us. and then, we headed to The Hill at Damasara Heights to meet up with marie and abbie. 

 the november babes. 

with jessy.  

with nikie. 

with all the babes. 
i had fun that night. food was fantastic and the company was superb. 

hope the bday girls had fun as well. wishing them a wonderful year ahead and have a blast on their actual bday. 

The Hill, Damansara Heights

Saturday, November 12, 2011

house on fire!

no. i havent seen the real thing yet. nor understand the whole story fully.

all i know is, neighbor saw my house was caught on fire. tried to ring the bell, no one answered. obviously my grandma cant hear the door bell. =.="

then my neighbour, kulen called his friend, simon to call christine for my number. which she gave. but i didnt receive any call from him. i guess my uncles and aunties who stays nearby was alerted about it alre.

im guessing, the metre outside my house was on fire?


fridae drama?

i wanted to log into fridae and then i found... this... 

at the bottom it reads...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Hon Kee Porridge, Damansara Uptown

88 BBQ Steamboat, Klang

Be One

sorry for lack of updates and also im sick of saying sorry for not updating often enough. hehe...

just want to share something that caught my ears recently.

i always got the habit of waiting for all the TVB drama episode to show then only i will watch them. but recently my mom must watch it and then i got poisoned by it. bleh... talk about lack of detemination. T.T

so, i was watching 法證先鋒 III (Forensic Heroes III), and then i realised one of the song is quite relaxing and catchy. after searching high and low... i finally found where to download the song! downloaded it and uploaded it to my hulkshare account instead. :P

Greg Hartwell & Marc Lane - Be One

and the best thing is, i even manage to find the lyrics. :P

enjoy~ ^^

Greg Hartwell & Marc Lane - Be One

Duru duru dudu
Duru duru dudu
Duru duru dudu

I like the way you smile
And let me watch a while
I love the way you make me feel
I'd give the world away to spend each waking day
Alone with you, my love

'Cause you make me
Duru duru dudu
Duru duru dudu
Duru duru dudu

Summer's gone
With you I will move on
Promise you, you'll never be alone
I believe what you give you will receive
That's why all I give it up

Do you believe in love
And all the things it does
It makes me feel like I'm alive
And when the night drives in
We let the games begin
You make me feel like I'm alive

You make me
Duru duru dudu
Duru duru dudu
Duru duru dudu

I feel like
Duru duru dudu
Duru duru dudu
Duru duru dudu