Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy Bday Nov Babes~

at first they shared the deal's link and we agreed. and they, the bday girls discussed that this would be the pre bday dinner and the coupon will be on them. the rest, we will split the bill.

i was late. yes. me again. blame the new false lashes i bought. i failed miserably and end up, i went without the falsies... T.T

went over to pick jessy (nov babe #1). thank God i didnt get any screwing. as i was speeding. she said i dont hv to rush anymore cos she alre called nikie (nov babe #2) saying that we will be late. heh... :P

once we reached the guard house, jessy called nikie that we arrived and by the time we reached her house, she is alre in the car waiting for us. and then, we headed to The Hill at Damasara Heights to meet up with marie and abbie. 

 the november babes. 

with jessy.  

with nikie. 

with all the babes. 
i had fun that night. food was fantastic and the company was superb. 

hope the bday girls had fun as well. wishing them a wonderful year ahead and have a blast on their actual bday. 

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