Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wild Wild West - Annual Dinner 2011

its annual dinner again! my 3rd time in this company. wow... 3rd yr. how time flies... and i feel so old suddenly. T.T

it was my midnite shift the night before and im working midnite on the same day as the annual dinner. but had to wake up earlier to shower and to put on cement and do mural paintings on my face. (i dont like thick make up! i only like heavy photoshop. haha!)

 i was nicely dilly dallying until one point i realised that i am very late! and i thought i will be the latest one!

as i was rushing driving to the office to meet up with jimmy, jason commented on my fb saying that the bus have not arrive. there's a bus to pick up staffs from the office to the dinner location. but jimmy needed to drive as he need to come back office earlier to support the japanese so i tagged along in his car.

once i met up with jimmy, the bus arrived as well and all of us left office at the same time.

we reached there at about 8pm i think. settled ourselves down and the night obviously began with speeches. but... we started with "YUM SENG" even the food was not touched yet.

Ciao Ristorante was not bad. the food was fantastic. especially the mutton with mint sauce. the cream sauce penne was fabulous and i took 2 rounds! i like how the location for us to dine and then there's this huge field behind it. it was pretty hot that night but it is better than last yr. but i prefer last yr's annual dinner cos i was pissed drunk. heh... talk about being a drunkard. :P

i think everyone was only anticipated for the lucky draw. cos at the end of the lucky draw, most of them just left... *poof*

for 2 yrs in a row, i didnt get anything. not even voucher. but this yr... hehe... i think my luck is back. or like what SC said, he brought me luck.

i won a 32 inches Panasonic Viera LCD TV! it really came just in time! i wanted to buy a LCD TV loooong time ago and hv been saving for it! and i got the tv! wheee~ now i need to save for CPU, wireless mouse n keyboard instead. of cos, i need a TV stand first... :P

i had fun that night. i enjoyed watching my team mates enjoyed themselves that night. we worked hard, and we definitely partied hard...


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