Thursday, December 30, 2010

Techno Vision - hilang

just when i thought my life will get better this month, another shit happened...


after work, i stayed back a while to have small talks with my colleagues about iris online. they convinced me that since i am only at level 2 human mage, i shall delete my character and create a warlock instead.

ok. out of topic. anywaysss...

i went down to withdraw some money and went to the toilet. went to clear off some debts, and then i realised my vision is blur. and then oni i realised, my specs...

i went back to the toilet to check. not there anymore. i asked the cleaner if she seen any specs in the cubicle. "takda, takda. saya baru masuk." which is bullshit bcos i saw her b4 i entered the cubicle, and she was still there when i left the toilet. i was too devastated to fight back at that point of time. and the way she answered me, now i think back, i really feel like slapping her and throw her into the toilet bowl. mcb.

so i was blind for the next 1 hour of my life.

but i got no choice. i dont have a spare specs in my car, no contact lens. and i think it is stupid to purposely buy contact lens cos i have the whole box at home.

so... i drove back blindly.

those who drove along bangsar towards mont kiara yesterday experienced some bloody idiot driving like a blind fuck. i guess that would be me.

after having massive headache from driving like a blind bitch in the dark, i reached home and locked myself in the room and... i broke down.

seriously, this month i would have just nice to use, not worrying about not enough. and that is also have to spend damn bloody wisely on food and parking, excluding shopping. and now i lost my specs, which obviously i need to get a new one to replace it. ya, sure. it can be claimed under my company's benefits but where do i find the money to pay 1st and then only claim?

i cried like a mad fuck in the room until my aunt and grandma came in to console me.

and now i am having goldfish eyes, feeling damn sleepy with contact lens on.

Monday, December 27, 2010

fears in rships

a lil emo post for today. its been a while since i last put up an emo post on this blog. life is not perfect. where got people always happy happy wan? bull...

well, ok la. not that emo. just something i wanna reflect myself on wtf is wrong with me these days until i rammed through a huge ass hole and punctured my tyre. =.=

after all the shitty rships i've been through, i somehow learnt how not to expect anything from it anymore to avoid disappointment. when i dont expect something, i stop giving. and the question is, how to keep it alive then if i am not giving? rship is not about 1 person. its 2... in fact sometimes the whole village. but when minus the village, it is about 2 person. so, it is impossible to only have 1 person pumping in efforts and the other not doing anything.

sometimes i tried to pull myself back. being reserve a lil. but seemed like nothing is right. cos if i pull myself back, meaning lesser effort pumped in. lesser effort meaning rship wont work out. like i said above, it takes 2... but then when i throw myself in 101% in a rship, its all the insecurity and fear feeling that i dont like about...

1, fear of being cheated
- well, for obvious reasons. who likes getting cheated on? even simple lie oso 'mm song' d la. still have yet to learn how to counter this. i always get insecure. sighs...

2, fear of not putting enough effort
- one of my ex always say that i dun put much effort in the rship and ended up arguing almost everyday. so, to avoid arguments, i try putting more effort everyday and when i had enough and broke up, den she listed allllll the things and did for her. =.= . i guess this will continue on cos i really dont like arguing. who does?

3, fear of not enough patience
- me and my hot temper. 'nuff said. but then again, i learnt to toned down when i was being a shadow back then. but still, the fear is there so sometimes i tend to 'tahan' until i... hehe... *zip*

4, fear of not enough time
- being in a service industry is hectic. wat more, im working in a 24/7 operating call center with rotating shifts. i received gazillions missed calls and sms from my ex. argue about not enough time for her. the end. *doot doot doot doot doot*
so whenever i see my shift cant meet the time to spend more time with my other half, i'll try to put more effort to make it up to her. and when i try to put more effort, it will go back to point #2...

5, fear of being OVER imaginative
- i was, however an art student. so imaginations tend to run... a little wild. i wish my imaginations would run as wild in my sense of creativity instead. but no... it decided to run wild to create my own nightmare. i would start imagining wat would happen if this... if that... all sort of stories/fairytales/nightmare would come up. especially when my calls and sms werent returned.
well, over the time, i learnt to bury them and told myself, as long as they return calls/sms meaning they're safe. :)

so far i only can think of all these. but above all these always lead me to one ending... running away. i dont know how to cope, i'll run. it sometimes did cross my mind, "what about the effort and time that was spent in this?". but it didnt really affect me previously. i'll still run. i know i cant be running away forever. but what are the limits? what is the limit to reach so that i wont run away regreting? im tired of all these fears, i am also tired of running (cos im fat? ok. lame. sorry). so, what's next?

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010

MeRi KuRiSuMaSu!

i guess this would be my most un-happening xmas ever!

on 24th after my shift, i rushed down to bkt jalil to join TI's final OTT of 2010. boy, the jam in MV was sickening! it took me about 45mins to get out from MV city area!

S@I wanted to drag me to sunway for the countdown. along with ColdBlooded but i was too lazy to follow. was tired and kinda sleepy. and plus, i got other plans later on at nite.

after the OTT, which ended about 12am+. officially entered xmas day... :P

was being shuu'ed back home 1st cos something urgent came up. but i was too tired, i dozed off until he called. the bed and the air-cond was then being abandoned by me and i went out again at about 3am.

after few rounds of games which ended at about hrmm... 5am? or was it 6am? headed back to my area for dim sum. my eyes can hardly open alre. =.=

and to my surprise, after dim sum, he turned in to another cyber cafe for more games. which i understand... it's xmas. it's public holiday. and plus... something's bothering him. continue gaming. which i didnt regret cos i finally got my hands on iris online!

colleagues have been bugging me to play iris online by gpotato. all the cyber cafes i went to only have iris by funmily. which is in chinese ver. even the cyber cafe that we went to this morning. but i downloaded the game on the spot, which to my surprise... it only took approx 1 hour to complete. ^^ damn cute! but still damn blur la me. :(

the sky turned bright and it was about 10am alre. he sent me home to sleep. and he went back home as well...

and guess what? i woke up at 3 and i went out again. :P

went hunting for gt wing with joel around sunway and puchong area. nil result. =.=
anson just got back from malacca and its been a long time since i last meet up with him so we decided to have dinner at EJ's place in bandar puteri. damn long never see her d~ after sitting there for some time chit chatting... we left and i was being sent home to get my car so that i can go to work...



midnight shift... ^^

slept from 10am till 3pm and now i am at work until tmrw 8am... syok-ness... ^^

* * *
random update:-
my akina-chan is back! friday, i requested my aunt to take my car with her so that she can send to the tyre shop near her office. and tyre cannot be fixed and needed to replace a new one. i couldnt stand driving 70kmh on highway to work so i ended up driving my aunt's car to work and left my vava with her since she only travel by car nearby. i was thinking to skip the replacing and do it next week. when i called my aunt at nite to check if the shop is open on xmas day itself. she said no cos it is PH for them too but why wanna go back to the shop? i said to change tyre lor. and i got surprised when she told me she alre asked them to replace it and it is my xmas pressie... taayyaarrr... :P

and now, i can drive like mad cow again. no more 70kmh on highways yo! (mmg tak tau mati... :P)

and guess what, my pay is in!

double happiness!

* * *

Merry Christmas~~~!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

B.O.B. Ft Hayley Williams & Eminem - Airplanes

[Chorus - Hayley Williams]
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

(Dreamin’, I’m fallin, Dreamin’, I’m fallin)

[B.o.B - Verse 1]
Lets pretend like its 98, like I’m eating lunch off of Styrofoam treys
Trying to be the next rapper coming out the A
Hoping for a record deal, to re-know my pain
Now lets pretend like I’m on the stage
And when my beat drops everybody goes insane (Ok)
And everybody know my name (B.o.B)
And everywhere I go people wanna hear me sang
Oh yea and I just dropped my new album
On the first week I did 500 thousand
Gold in the spring and diamond in the fall
And then a world tour just to top it all off
And lets pretend like they call me the greatest
Selling out arenas with big ass stages
And everybody loved me and no one ever hated
Lets try to use imagination

[Chorus - Hayley Williams]
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

[B.o.B - Verse 2]
Ok, let’s pretend like this never happened
Like I never had dreams of being a rapper
Like I didn’t write raps in all of my classes
Like I never used to runaway into the blackness
Now lets pretend like it was all-good
Like I didn’t live starring in a notebook
Like I did the things I probably knew I should
But I didn’t have neighbours that’s why they call it hood
Now lets pretend like I aint got a name
Before they ever called me B.o.B or a.k.a Bobby Ray
I’m talking back before the mixtapes
Before the videos and the deals and the fame
Before they ever once compared me to Andre
Before I ever got Myspace
Before they ever noticed my face
So let’s just pretend and make wishes out of airplanes

[Chorus - Hayley Williams]
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

(And it seems like yesterday it was just a dream, just memories)

[Eminem - Verse 3]
Let’s Pretend Marshall Mathers never picked up a pen
Let’s pretend things would’ve been no different
Pretend people procrastinated had no motivation
Pretend he just made excuses that was so paper thin they could blow away wit the wind
Marshall you never gone make it, makes no sense to play the game it ain’t no way that’ll you win
Pretend he just stand out side all day and play with his friends
Pretend he even had a friend to say was his friend
And it wasn’t time to move in school no changing again
He wasn’t socially awakard and just strange as a kid
He had a father and his mother wasn’t crazy as sh-t
And he never dreamed he can ripped stadiums he just lazy as shit
F-ck a talent show in the gymnasium bitch
You won’t amount to sh-t quit day dreaming kid
You need to get ya cranium check you thinking like an alien
It just ain’t realistic
Now pretend they ain’t just make him angry with this sh-t
And there was no one he could even aim when he’s pissed with
And his alarm went off to wake him but he did’nt make it to the rap Olympics
Left to his plane and he missed it
He’s gonna have a hard time explaining to Haley and Laney these food stamps and WIC shit
Cause he never risked sh-t he hoped and he wished it
But it didn’t fall in his lap so he ain’t even hear it he pretends that

[Chorus - Hayley Williams]
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)
Can we pretend that airplanes
In the night sky
Are like shooting stars
I could really use a wish right now (wish right now, wish right now)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Recap 2010

Spent new yr eve in office

Screwing up my ex upside down, left and right and went thru a break up

and because of that, i made friends back with Ju. who never fail to know me like an opened book. =.=

For the 1st time in my 10 yrs of being in and out of relationships/flings, i am finally single, phobia of rships.

Won a gift from smashpOp but i have yet to collect it. :P

Been to Ruby's Resort for the 1st time and loving it!

Missing Stephanie much...

Been thru permanent night shift...
was i rich? heck i was. but turned damn poor as i move back to day shift. T.T

At this point of time while typing this post, it suddenly got me thinking... some people really do change over night...

Stayed in hotel, alone... ^^

Vava's car battery die'ed for the 1st time...

Got myself a new phone in August ^^
X10 Mini Pro
and also gave my Vava a simple make over...

Officially 2 yrs in Pacnet. :)

Vava got hurt... :(

First UOTT and OTT with Team Impact!

Changed back to day shift~

Got myself stuck with housing loan...

First time watching GRA!

Went Ruby's again~

Emo'ed on my bday

Thanks to my emo driving and punctured Vava's tyre for the 1st time

And recently, salary increment.

From how i see it, not much of achievements. Which suddenly made me felt that, such a failure. And by reading all my post from January 2010, my life is in such a mess!

2011, a better year? Hopefully. I probably should pray hard that it will not be more screwed up than 2010...

Rihanna Feat. Eminem - Love The Way You Lie Pt. 2

On the first page of our story
The future seemed so bright
And this thing turned out so evil
I don’t know why I’m still surprised
Even angels have their wicked schemes
And you take that to new extremes
But you’ll always be my hero
Even though you lost your mind

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that’s alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that’s alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

Now this gravel in our voices
Glass is shattered from the fight
In this tug of war
You’ll always win
Even when I’m right
Cause you feed me fables from your hand
With violent words and empty threats
And it’s sick that all these battles
Are what keeps me satisfied

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that’s alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that’s alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Ohhh, I love the way you lie

So maybe I’m a masochist
I try to run but I don’t wanna ever leave
Til the walls are goin’ up in smoke with all our memories

This morning, you wake, a sunray hits your face
smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction
hush baby, speak softly, tell me I’ll be sorry that you
pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me
try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me
run out the room and I’ll follow you like a lost puppy
baby, without you, I’m nothing, I’m so lost, hug me
then tell me how ugly I am, but that you’ll always love me
then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the
destructive path that we’re on, two psychopaths but we
know that no matter how many knives we put in each other’s backs
that we’ll have each other’s backs, ’cause we’re that lucky
together, we move mountains, let’s not make mountains out of molehills,
you hit me twice, yeah, but who’s countin’
I may have hit you three times, I’m startin’ to lose count
but together, we’ll live forever, we found the youth fountain
our love is crazy, we’re nuts, but I refused counselin’
this house is too huge, if you move out I’ll burn all two thousand
square feet of it to the ground, ain’t shit you can do about it
with you I’m in my f–kin’ mind, without you, I’m out it

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that’s alright because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that’s alright because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie
Ohhh, I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie

Avant feat. Nicole Scherzinger - Lie About Us

Ooohh, Oyy
Yeahh yeahh

[Avant - Verse 1]
Baby, I know when we started out
There were things you didn't know
But, baby girl, we got a lotta things we need to discuss
I know I'm asking for a lot, but just trust

You say that things getting old
Sneakin' round creepin' and love on the low
But, baby girl, I can't wait till' it's officially us
I can't wait to let them know about us

First I thought that I could take you, boy, but I don't know
You told me you were gonna leave her for me long ago
Eventually I will but I just gotta take it slow
Don't wanna break her heart, although I gotta let her go
So baby ..

[Avant - Chorus]
So please don't say you wanna give up
How do I tell her that I'm falling in love
And I know you're waiting patiently for that day
When we no longer have to lie about us
When I'm with her all I want is your touch
And when you call me I don't wanna hang up
And I know I say it often but I can't wait
Till we no longer have to lie about us

[Avant - Verse 2]
Baby I know situation don't seem fair to us both
But baby girl, she's an issue that I'm 'bout to adjust
Don't mistake the love we make for just lust
You are my soul, mind, body, spirit all that I know

But, baby girl I can't wait till' it's officially us
I can't Wait to tell the world about us

First I thought that I could take you, boy, but I don't know
You told me you were gonna leave her for me long ago
Eventually I will but I just gotta take it slow
Don't wanna break her heart, although I gotta let her go
So baby ..

[Avant - Chorus]
So please don't say you wanna give up (please don't say)
How do I tell her that I'm falling in love (ooohhh oohh)
And I know you're waiting patiently for that day
When we no longer have to lie about us (no longer have to lie)

When I'm with her all I want is your touch (ooohhh oohh)
And when you call me I don't wanna hang up (baby you don't)
And I know I said it often but I can't wait
Till' we no longer have to lie about us

[Avant - Bridge]
Baby won't you wait just a little bit
just a little bit
just a little bit longer, longer (oohh)
Just a little bit
just a little bit
just a little bit longer longer (won't you wait)
just a little bit
Just a little bit
just a little bit longer longer
just a little bit
just a little bit
just a little bit longer longer

[Avant - Chorus 2x]
Baby, so please don't say you wanna give up
How do I tell her that I'm falling in love (how do I tell my baby)
And I know you're waiting patiently for that day
When we no longer have to lie about us (no longer have to lie about us)

When I'm with her, all I want is your touch
And when you call me I don't wanna hang up (ooohh oohh oo)
And I know I said it often but I can't wait
Till' we no longer have to lie about us (no longer have to lie)

So please don't say you wanna give up (don't say)
How do I tell her that I'm falling in love (how do I tell my baby)
And I know you're waiting patiently for that day
When we no longer have to lie about us (whoa ooooo)

When I'm with her all I want is your touch
And when you call me I don't wanna hang up
And I know I say it often but I can't wait
Till' we no longer have to lie about us

[Avant & Nicole - Bridge]
Baby won't you wait just a little bit
just a little bit (baby)
just a little bit longer (baby ohh oohhh), longer
Just a little bit
just a little bit,
just a little bit, (baby I'mma wait for you) longer, longer
just a little bit,
just a little bit, (I'm waiting just a little bit longer)
just a little bit, longer, longer (will you wait)
Just a little bit,
just a little bit,
just a little bit, longer.

[Avant - End Fading Away]
Just a little bit
Just a little bit
Just a little bit
Just a little bit
Just a little bit
Just a little bit

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

emo me and my punctured tyre

my vava is at it again~ :(

*song playing "ohhh myyy goshhh~"*

was sending someone back and i had a lot running in my mind at that time. and before i knew it...


and then... noise of air flowing out...

fren : your tyre punture d...

my mind... : fark...

dah la i damn emo when i was driving with all the rubbish travelling in my mind, now additional headache... grrr...

pull over at the nearest petrol kiosk, got down the car to check. the one at the front passenger side... great. and i thought it was the one behind. cos the one behind bengkak d wan...


took the spare tyre and all the stuffs out from the boot and he started helping me replace the tyre with the spare one. and then he drove instead knowing i am too damn fucking emo to drive d and he took his car, then escort me back pulak. =.=

and today, to my horror... my steering starts jerking when i am only at 70kmh! 70kmh on highways?? better kill me lor!

Friday, December 17, 2010

i iz bek frm cherating - again

hehe... yea. cherating - again. ^^
my previous trips on day1, day2 and day3 was fabulous!
and i really cant help it. auntie ruby and the resort and the clean beach is addictive!

we were suppose to leave at 12am but den something happened so we left at about 5am. then another thing happened which everyone is blaming on my vava's 15" rims... which i couldnt be bothered cos i still love my 15" rims! naninanibubu~ :P

we reached cherating at about 9am (or was it 10am?) we woke auntie ruby up, whom slept at only at 5am. *oops*... auntie ruby brought us to the yummylicious har meen! it is damnnnn yummy! ^^

after makan-ing, auntie ruby this time dun allow us to check-in early. a lesson to be learnt it seems, do not go before check-in time! so we went hai peng and hang around until 11am+.

the check-in time was suppose to be 2pm. but den, seeing us all tired, especially the driver who havent been sleeping for the pass 24 hours. =.= auntie ruby allowed us to check-in at 12pm.

and the snoring begins until dinner time.

we went to this restaurant named... duyung i think. or something duyung. the food was so so only. the green curry chicken, ss15 sawadee is much better.

after the so-so dinner, we headed to paka again! which the driver kena conned by big cow. haha... after looking at the chimneys, we headed back to the resort.

had some vodka and some shit happened. :( *but den ok alre la. hehe...*

the next day morning, went for the breakfast and went to the beach. and i only had like... 3 hours of sleep. did i mention the beach is very clean? ahh~ freaking love the beach! after that went back to shower and auntie ruby wanted to bring us to have wan tan meen for lunch, but den sold out. it was THAT good until it is all sold out. *sobs* so she brought us to ayam goreng instead. it was GOOOOOOD! but the weather was a bit of a potong stim part. cos it was really hot! sighs...

someone's slipper rosak d, so we went slipper hunting after lunch. went back to the resort after that and continue sleeping. :P

woke up for dinner! auntie ruby suggested to have dinner in the resort instead. all cooked by aminah. it was so yummy! especially the fish! but damn a lot of mosquito! until now still itchy lorh. but still, the dinner was awesome.

the next day, went back to KL by passing by kuantan and bought some junk food back. ^^

if u have noticed, there are no pictures from this trip. well, i did snap some. but just too lazy to edit it. :P

cant wait for the next trip back there. :D

Thursday, December 9, 2010


its only 1st day of my leave, and i am already rotting the shit out of me! T.T

woke up at about 3pm for a 4pm appointment with my colleague. getting a spoiler for his viva. ^^
while i was stuck in the stupid jam at the sunway toll, i called up EJ to see if she is free to join us and go for a drink. unfortunately, she works till 4.30pm and transport is only available at 5.30pm for her to go home... at the same time, she informed me that the shop that im heading to changed boss alre. so the price is more expensive now... and she was right!! the price difference is sooo huge! when i get it there it was rm160, plus color and installation. the one my colleague is getting is diff design, but with brake light, rm290. fark... and i asked the same design with mine, he said rm200++... @.@

but den, i saw something attractive tho... mohawk sound system. tweeter, amp, mid and woofer + installation = rm1300... :P

kill me nao...

after he paid the deposit, we headed to old klang road for bak kut teh. the one under the bridge... not bad not bad. will only blog abt it next time cos i didnt take any pictures.

then my colleague went home, and i headed to subang parade. nope. not for car wash this time cos it was raining heavily. God decided to give me free car wash. =.=
went to get some stuffs for the vacation.

YES! u read it right! vacationnnnnnn!! well, not different location tho cos i really love this place. if u know me well, u shud guessed it right. ngeks.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me... c:

i was being booked earlier by jessi a week back cos she insisted to celebrate bday with me. i dont like clubbing and get wasted so we made plans for supper instead.

she pm'ed me ystd noon to discuss on what to do. i was craving for teo chew porridge and decided to head to Old Klang Road, the usual teo chew porridge shop we always go to. she was luring me to some other choices of food but i didnt bother, still wan my teo chew porridge!!! :P

right after my shift is done, headed to the OKR's BHP to meet up with Joel then towards the makan place.

ahhh~ i havent been touching the teochew porridge there for soooo long! 1st sip is like heaven! especially the pork. ahhh~~ ^^

after supper, we were deciding where to go. i wanted to go for night view. but dunno where to. :(
so we decided for beers instead in setapak. hehe...

jessi dapau'ed for her cousin cos she is sick. left her car at her apartment. then back to my place to leave my car, then all of us hopped in joel's car.

played a few rounds of card games, finished 2 buckets, i even shed a few tears...

i guess what people said is true. when u r upset, u're easily drunk.


at the end of the night, i was tipsy. just the way i like it. luckily i got a designated driver, joel. :P

sent jessi back, and i got home. slept soundly and late for work. :X


- Thanks Jessi and Joel for the night and watching me cry. *sobs*
- Thanks Sam aka Charlie for calling me 5 mins b4 12am only to notice that it is not even 12am yet. then text me again when it is exactly 12am. :P
- Thanks sktan for the cute mms.
- Thanks to u for running up and down resulting not getting anything. Effort counts and I appreciate it. c:
- Thanks to u for the sweet luncheon meat. :D
- and thanks to all these people in facebook for your wishes~