Saturday, December 25, 2010

MeRi KuRiSuMaSu!

i guess this would be my most un-happening xmas ever!

on 24th after my shift, i rushed down to bkt jalil to join TI's final OTT of 2010. boy, the jam in MV was sickening! it took me about 45mins to get out from MV city area!

S@I wanted to drag me to sunway for the countdown. along with ColdBlooded but i was too lazy to follow. was tired and kinda sleepy. and plus, i got other plans later on at nite.

after the OTT, which ended about 12am+. officially entered xmas day... :P

was being shuu'ed back home 1st cos something urgent came up. but i was too tired, i dozed off until he called. the bed and the air-cond was then being abandoned by me and i went out again at about 3am.

after few rounds of games which ended at about hrmm... 5am? or was it 6am? headed back to my area for dim sum. my eyes can hardly open alre. =.=

and to my surprise, after dim sum, he turned in to another cyber cafe for more games. which i understand... it's xmas. it's public holiday. and plus... something's bothering him. continue gaming. which i didnt regret cos i finally got my hands on iris online!

colleagues have been bugging me to play iris online by gpotato. all the cyber cafes i went to only have iris by funmily. which is in chinese ver. even the cyber cafe that we went to this morning. but i downloaded the game on the spot, which to my surprise... it only took approx 1 hour to complete. ^^ damn cute! but still damn blur la me. :(

the sky turned bright and it was about 10am alre. he sent me home to sleep. and he went back home as well...

and guess what? i woke up at 3 and i went out again. :P

went hunting for gt wing with joel around sunway and puchong area. nil result. =.=
anson just got back from malacca and its been a long time since i last meet up with him so we decided to have dinner at EJ's place in bandar puteri. damn long never see her d~ after sitting there for some time chit chatting... we left and i was being sent home to get my car so that i can go to work...



midnight shift... ^^

slept from 10am till 3pm and now i am at work until tmrw 8am... syok-ness... ^^

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random update:-
my akina-chan is back! friday, i requested my aunt to take my car with her so that she can send to the tyre shop near her office. and tyre cannot be fixed and needed to replace a new one. i couldnt stand driving 70kmh on highway to work so i ended up driving my aunt's car to work and left my vava with her since she only travel by car nearby. i was thinking to skip the replacing and do it next week. when i called my aunt at nite to check if the shop is open on xmas day itself. she said no cos it is PH for them too but why wanna go back to the shop? i said to change tyre lor. and i got surprised when she told me she alre asked them to replace it and it is my xmas pressie... taayyaarrr... :P

and now, i can drive like mad cow again. no more 70kmh on highways yo! (mmg tak tau mati... :P)

and guess what, my pay is in!

double happiness!

* * *

Merry Christmas~~~!!!

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