Thursday, December 23, 2010

Recap 2010

Spent new yr eve in office

Screwing up my ex upside down, left and right and went thru a break up

and because of that, i made friends back with Ju. who never fail to know me like an opened book. =.=

For the 1st time in my 10 yrs of being in and out of relationships/flings, i am finally single, phobia of rships.

Won a gift from smashpOp but i have yet to collect it. :P

Been to Ruby's Resort for the 1st time and loving it!

Missing Stephanie much...

Been thru permanent night shift...
was i rich? heck i was. but turned damn poor as i move back to day shift. T.T

At this point of time while typing this post, it suddenly got me thinking... some people really do change over night...

Stayed in hotel, alone... ^^

Vava's car battery die'ed for the 1st time...

Got myself a new phone in August ^^
X10 Mini Pro
and also gave my Vava a simple make over...

Officially 2 yrs in Pacnet. :)

Vava got hurt... :(

First UOTT and OTT with Team Impact!

Changed back to day shift~

Got myself stuck with housing loan...

First time watching GRA!

Went Ruby's again~

Emo'ed on my bday

Thanks to my emo driving and punctured Vava's tyre for the 1st time

And recently, salary increment.

From how i see it, not much of achievements. Which suddenly made me felt that, such a failure. And by reading all my post from January 2010, my life is in such a mess!

2011, a better year? Hopefully. I probably should pray hard that it will not be more screwed up than 2010...

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