Wednesday, November 24, 2010

of night views and rainbows

i got a thing for night views. especially where u are at high places and when u looked far beyond u see tiny lights.

whenever he fetches me passing by on one of the highways, w/o fail, i'll definitely look out looking at the lights. mesmerized.

the other day, someone brought me to a place where u can see that view. it is somewhere in puchong. i think i remember how to go. but need to try my stupid direction idiot luck again. :P

it was... beautiful.

i forgot what happened until i ended up there. but it was the usual, "i am bored, i dun feel like going home" and den ended up go rounding.

too bad i only have normal digital camera. photos are all edited of cos. adjusting the brightness and contrast. really have to be there to see it yourself.

or i think it's just me being mesmerized by lights... =.=


pic taken at anson's place. i forgot what was he fixing d. i think he was installing the tweeter for me. ngeks. and again... thanks cheng mun for giving away the tweeter to me... alikato~ ^^

ok la. i know this is damn random. but, do u know what im trying to show? hehe~

loooook~ look how the bling blingssss... its like seeing multiple rainbows!

speaking of which. the other day, joel and i was at anson's place. joel needed to re-install and re-tune the audio. den joel told me to look up, got rainbow!

i was already damn happy to see rainbow so i ran to my bag and took my camera snapping away...

but the thing is...

its not just one rainbow...


TWO!!! double rainbow!!! can see can see?

damn happy lorh! 1st time seeing double rainbow~ ^^


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