Friday, November 5, 2010


nope. no pictures. just rantings... :P

first of all, happy deepavali to everyone who is celebrating it. and happy holidays to those who is not celebrating it... *duh*...

and im working on this public holiday... :( *think moneyyyy. kachingg!*

went to sleep at about 11pm cos need to work on the deadly morning shift. *dreads*
then i heard lotsa fireworks noise. lots of it. i woke up and look out the window from my room. i was amazed. i can view 5 spots of different places of fireworks. some small ones, and some big near ones. i ran to the living room and opened the window to have better view. and at that point, i wish i have a balcony.

the view is fantastic, and the only down part is... im watching it all alone.

in fact, i cant even remember when was the last time i watched fireworks. i think it was in genting about 2 yrs back for new year eve.

the most memorable one was merdeka eve during high school days. a bunch of us went sunway lagoon for count down. splashing water, throwing each other in the pool, soaking ourselves in the wave pool and finally, sitting at the wave pool looking straight up at the fireworks. it was so near, it felt like it will drop at your face.

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