Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Harajuku Rice @ Mid Valley

i have been updating my private blog until i neglected this blog. :( really difficult to handle 2 things at a time. just like relationships...

to make it up to my blog, i decided to blog about food! and it is a rreeeeaaaalllyyy back dated one. hehe...

about a month ago, me and my colleagues planned to have drinks. and before the drinking session starts, me and my TL went to look for food 1st.

refusing to walk far from the drinking place. we settled for

Harajuku Rice

they dont only serve rice of cos. they have noodle as well. we sat outside cos we need to smoke.

the environment was not bad. but the waitresses... i dont understand what they talking about. :(

samson's lime juice. friggin' sour-ish!

my sugar cane green tea. damn yummy~

pork mayo ramen. not bad not bad...

samson's i-dont-know-what... too long ago d. cant remember what is it called. =.=

samson's i-dont-know-what again... :P yup. samson is that hungry until he ate 2 portion...

i think this is not bad. but not worth it. :(

overall, the experience is not bad. just that i didnt understand what the waitresses was saying, and obviously, they dont know what me and samson is saying oso. communication break down.

food wise is not bad. but its just normal to me. nothing to 'wow!' about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not feeling it... except the soup. Haha