Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When in Rome

today was actually my off day but den now i am in the office for my midnite shift.

i was nicely minding my own business at home and saw a text from bigcow. i called her back. she asked if i am free today cos she MIGHT win the tickets to watch 'when in rome'. i agreed immediately cos i really got nothing to do at night and i wanted to buy a mouse for my office use cos my mouse sudah rosak and they gave me a mouse with the roller ball instead. u know the old mouse with the bola at the bottom? ya. that one. me no like... :(

so i took my lunch, showered, packed my clothes and went back to subang. packed my clothes again. (dont ask why so many clothes. all i know i've been doing a lot of packing.)watch a bit of tv with grandma. had light dinner. den went to fetch bigcow.

once we reached, went to buy the mouse.


had proper dinner with bigcow at senjyu's. and omg. the food quality dropped! really really dropped! the cawanmushi is not as good anymore. the softshell crab not nice anymore. and then went to collect tickets thanks to churpchurp

i can be very fickle minded at times, so we went back to the digital shop to buy the portable speaker. ^^

went for movies...

we were the 1st to enter the cinema. the whole place was empty. and one of the staff came and asked if we sat there since the previous movie ended. =.= of cos not la. aiyo...

while waiting for the movie to start, my team manager called me to go back for work midnite shift cos one of the guy on UL.

after movies, went da pau for colleagues, sent bigcow back and now i am here working midnite shift.

and... sleepyyyyyyyyy~

soli ha. my blog update so damn monotone and sien. cos my brain cannot think anymore... hehe...

anyways, "when in rome" is nice and funny. recommended. go watch! i cant type anything better to describe d.



abbie san said...

babe.... i love the tags!!!! cute!!! and date night is funny... when in rome sudah ada???

BlurCo said...

When in rome should be got lo. U try n see la. :D