Sunday, April 11, 2010

update with pictures

ok la. now that i browsed through my camera, saw some pictures and decided to edit it.

these days i dont really take pictures cos i dont have photoshop to edit it. :( but now i know. if i dont take pictures, den my blog might as well declare dead. :P

this yr marks my great granny passed away for the 3rd yr and we had this prayer thingie. i took leave. altho all the elders said it is not a must, but out of respect, better go la. =.=

after the prayer ceremony, it is then our free time. i was so bored and dont know what to do, they said there is a manicurist near by so i decided to pay a visit anyways~

i dont know what to do and i just asked her to do whatever she wants. seriously. all the patterns and flowers and what-not made me go gaga and made me feel like i wanna do different design on each nails. but i tell u... 10 nails is not enough for all the designs oso. hehe...

so she made this for me...

nice eh? adding 2 gel nails cos i broke mine. total is only like rm50. :D

after that, few days down the road, it was my team lead and team manager's birthday. well, im not too sure how much they like it to have their faces on my blog, so i'm only posting the cakes.

i like the yellow one. which is mango. damn yummy! the chocolate one... is actually dark chocolate and i find it too bitter for me. yea. me dont like bitter food... i think they bought the mango cake from secret recipe and the chocolate cake from delicious? not too sure. sorry ha if i get the info wrongly. :P

oh. this is random.

this is caramel. took this when i was at friends hse. was formating bigcow and my phone. bigcow's phone almost died. lol. but both phone is working now la. and my phone now has garmin! ^^

the other day the bunch of lab people wanted to have a bar hopping session. and lab is not exactly lab ok. it is one of the lesbian forum im regular at. no. i didnt post up the link in here. cos i got kinda sick of guys signing up and acting as a girl to chat with lesbians. u sick or what?

ok. out of topic.

anyways. the bar hopping turns out to be enjoyable~ 1st we went to finnegans. and then we wanted to go to elixir, but it was fully booked that night so we settled at a place called 'the social'. and boy~ i love that place.

a bunch of us.

<3 me. ^^


Big Cow said...

ohh.... i forgotten how cute caramel is! :D maybe we should get a cat eh? :P

Older, not much wiser. said...

yuh cat issss goooooot!

n is garmin any good? how u install? i got googlemaps n wayfinder. still dunno how to use wayfinder. >.<"

BlurCo said...

I didnt really play much with garmin yet. I got used to nokia ovi maps only. But everyone seems to love garmin...