Friday, April 24, 2009

direction idiot - certified...

today i was suppose to help big cow to collect her gift from nuffnang's office. being me... i am a natural born direction idiot. fantastic talent...

but i did my homework. i googled for the map... i even printed out the steps... 

and i got lil cowie to teman me. sure wont get lost wan... so i took off from subang, head along federal highway... all the way straight until the kuala lumpur railway station i turned left... and then... im lost... *cries* 

i still keep driving to look for the way... until i saw a familiar road. jalan sultan ismail! i knew it is near by there... so i called big cow...

me : erm... im pretty lost...
BC : where r u?
me : can lead me from jln sultan ismail?
BC : *leads... yada yada yada...*
me : er.. orh... can i have u to stay on the line?
BC : *hesitated* hmmm... ok la...

until one point she got work to do alre... so she just told me yada yada yada turn left den yada yada yada u'll be there alre... so dengan bersemangatnyerrr... i drove... and yes! i found!

this is the end of the journey... poor lil cowie covered with papers d... and yea... im a certified direction idiot... :(

may i present... this... this is the prize i collected for big cow. she won the malaysian dream girl blog buzz for week 5. click here for her entry

well... it is what she wanted. she was telling me she want the cosmetics more that the fragrances... 


1 comment:

Big Cow said...

thank you so much small cow!!

eh, no need la heboh heboh kan my entry coz it's CRAPPY!! lol... kinda embarrassing also u know? :P

when i dapat pay, i belanja the cowmobile and small cow makan, ok? :D