Friday, April 24, 2009

Senjyu Sushi @ Cineleisure

this... is actually a freaking late post... freaking late.

the other day me and big cow went cineleisure cos i wanted to get some stuff from the IT Hyperstore. being us... we definitely have to eat before we start shopping. we had hard time deciding on what to eat. since i already got my magic plastic card, i suggested we eat something we never eat before... hence...

Senjyu Sushi. and boy... we never regret it even one bit. althought the service was kinda bad and we assumed that the girl was new... so, oh well... nothing beats delicious food. 

our all time favourite has been cawanmushi... and Senjyu's cawanmushi was... *saliva dripping* freaking delicious. i can go for a few rounds of their cawanmushi but i still wanna eat other stuffs. :P

this is like the combination on my favourites in japanese food. tamago with unagi... merged. :D
i didnt quite like the egg tho. too sweet... 

i had wagyu beef rite. i didnt finish the rice cos i was kinda full alre. but... the beef i sapu all. it is yummyyyy~~~
i ordered flower tea. i like the light taste of tea with the flower aroma to it. *thumbs up*
i seriously highly recommend Senjyu. and i would go there again for their cawanmushi and wagyu beef... *saliva dripping again*

Senjyu Sushi
F1.05 Sunway Pyramid +603-5632 8119

Lot G2 & G3 Ground Floor Cineleisure +603-7727 9028


Big Cow said...

/me hand small cow a napkin.

wei... wipe your saliva la.... can see your drool all over the blog liao... hahahahahahahahaahahahah

Anonymous said...

Got salmon or not?