Monday, April 20, 2009


i am actually tempted to update my long post...


big cow just sos-ed me.

she need me to accompany her to the petrol station for petrol.

must be wondering, pump petrol cannot go alone ah?

no no... dengar la dulu (listen 1st la)

her car petrol is like... gonna be empty. and she is afraid that on the way to the petrol station, really empty tank. so she need me to convoy along...

ok la. it is 10.35 alre. hehe... and i promised to leave office at 10.30. :P

1 comment:

Big Cow said...

*drama a bit*

oh... not happy helping me now issit? must tell the whole world now issit? :P

*end of drama*

wei, small cow, i just realized we cant break off yet coz officially we are not even in a relationship in fb!! :P