Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What will you get...

when u gather : -

2 cows
4 dogs
1 hippo
1 chicken

in a small apartment with

2 bottles of vodka
tons of food
no astro (only radio n DVD as entertainment)

take a guess... what will u get?

Monday, December 29, 2008

BFF - Muacks!

Today, I wanna talk about my journey with 2 life-time friends.

I don’t think I ever talked about them in my blog before. Did i?

*checked back old post, even from my previous blogs…*

Nope. Never…

Lynn n Chris

We met quite randomly back then in primary school. We weren’t from the same class before. At all… Lynn was just staying few houses away from mine while Chris was few rows away.

We started to hang out a lot at each other’s home. Lynn had lots of cats and Chris eventually had one for herself. I was dying to have pets of my own which my grandma didn’t like, so I hung out even more at their place.

I hung out at their place so often till they already know my grandma. Not just them, every single one in the neighborhood knows me and my grandma. Haha… U must be thinking, ‘sure la. U always at their place, sure ur grandma treat them nice wan ma’. Oh… so so wrong of u.

Whenever I’m at one of their place, once strike 5pm, or earlier. My grandma will ‘drop by’ at their house and start screaming for me asking me to go home. It’s really embarrassing u know? I really felt like digging a hole and hide myself and never wanna come out anymore. When I do obey and followed her home, she’ll be screaming n shouting at me while walking home. Famous huh?

There’s once when I was hanging out at Lynn’s, as usual, grandma came to her house and start screaming for me. I really got fed up and refuse to follow. How many times does my dignity need to wash off to the drain like this? To my surprise and lynn’s too, grandma actually climbed over the gate… whoa… that was scary shit!

Anyways, I already start talking about myself eh? Haha… can’t help it. This is what they know about me.

We gave each other names, Lynn was ‘Tin Phor’, Chris was ‘Hao Phor’, and mine was ‘Soh Phor’.
Tin Phor = Crazy Woman
Hao Phor = Vain Woman
Soh Phor = Blur Woman

When we left primary school and stepped in secondary school, me and Lynn grew apart from Chris. Me and Lynn got in the same class while Chris was in different class. The higher standard class, that’s what we called it.

Me and Lynn sat together in Class during Form 1. And we encounter the 1st thing together which is… we met Alvin. Rude but turn out to be a nice guy. Haha… He was instructed by our Form teacher to do something and he had to stopped at our table so we tried to help and the 1st word he greeted us was ‘Fuck’. Me and Lynn looked at each other and our expression was like, ‘What the fuck?’ Hahaha! Priceless.

After school, we always hang out at SS14. Lynn’s KaiMa’s Saloon and the mamak nearby. That’s where she’ll meet her ex… and that’s how I know Kenneth. The 2nd sweetest guy I know after Ju. But things didn’t work out cos I was too clingy I guess.

At one point in Form 4, everyone boycott me. And to my surprise, even Lynn. And she said I was leaving her alone before that. Which made me totally blurred. What I’m glad now is that things are cleared and we’re still as close as before.

During Sec School, Chris was having her group of friends. Me and Lynn was quite pissed at the fact that she could ditch us because of her friends. And at one point me and Lynn decided to leave it as it is. She’ll look for us when she needs us…

So we left school and work part time a while. I was working with Lynn at the same Hang Ten outlet in Subang Parade, which is now closed down. We were really trying to turn the place upside down. We would blast trance music, blast tAtu songs, blast ah beng songs, dimmed the lights till really dimmed… etc… and to our surprise, business was even better! Crowd was better than Giordano which is just opposite. But yeah… Hang Ten is now closed and Giordano is still on going now. :P

After the part-time, I proceed to Limkokwing for Graphic Designing (which I didn’t complete) and Lynn proceed to Taylors for Mass Comm. Chris was in Sunway and wanted to do Law, but me and Lynn didn’t know when was going on with her mind, she ended up with Business courses.

During education in college, Lynn finally met someone in college, who is a girl, and lasted for 2 yrs. And the break up was quite irresponsible of that bitch. That girl took off to Australia, and broke up with Lynn. Lynn was really devastated. The day the girl took off to Australia, I rushed Lynn to KLIA and after sending that girl to the gate, Lynn got in the car and was crying like mad… Chris was practically partying like mad, clubbing clubbing and more clubbing. And yet. Still score with flying colors. Her relationship wise… the guy treated her like dirt. Really no respect for her at all and I’m glad that she got herself out from this nightmare.

Now… we’re in this dog eat dog working world. Chris is in a huge company as HR Specialist, Lynn is with kids creative learning centre as Programme Designer, me with ISP company as Technical Support Exec. Chris is with a guy and she wish she’ll be a housewife soon, that’s what she said. Lynn is with a guy and still wants her own business. Me is with a girl and still sorting out my life.

I like the fact that after all the boycott, all the forgetting, all the nonsense in our lives… we are still now as one family. Treating each other like sisters. Me being the youngest. :D

Love u guys loads… mwahs!

P/s : We don't really take pictures together eh? We really need to snap more pictures together!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

I'm Impressed...

Well... i found this when i was blog hopping in innit.

and xodom posted something really impressed me.

Top 10 Pick-up Lines

Hey I just realized this, but you look alot like my next girlfriend.

Are you an interior decorator? When I saw you the room became beautiful.

Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?

I was blinded by your beauty so I'm going to need your name and number for insurance reasons.

You can fall off a building, you can fall out a tree, but baby, the best way to fall is in love with me.

Giant polar bear (What?) It's an icebreaker. Hi, my name is....

Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?

I'm invisible. (Really?) Can you see me? (Yes) How about tomorrow night?

Excuse me, I think you have something in your eye. Nope, it's just a sparkle.

You say "I bet you $20 I can kiss you without using my lips."
She says, "Bet's on."
You kiss her then say, "I lost."

I'm sorry if u're upset i copy and paste in my blog. but i really wanna keep this. :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

X'mas is never late...

Yes… it’s always on time. Everybody starts counting down and strike midnight, everyone would wish one another ‘Merry Xmas!’

And here I am wishing every single one of u Merry Xmas~

This year was rather lonely xmas for me. I finished work at 7pm but had to stay late a little bit to finished up some work. Which is still piling up like mad. Left office at about 8pm to meet up with my aunt who is doing her last minute shopping for her party. After being frustrated and threw her temper at me. We managed to find suitable gifts for her gift exchange.

We then headed home.

Once I got home, I had my dinner and my only company was my sleeping grandma and the TV. Sound sad huh? Well, not exactly actually. I guess this is what they mean by ‘Silent night~ Holy night~’ Yea, the silent night really got me all relaxed from a tensed day at work.

After watching TV, I think it was called ‘The canopy of love’. It was a Hong Kong TVB Drama. Quite nice. Feel like downloading it since I’m not often on time sitting in front of the TV.

Alamak, out of topic liao. Anyways, after watching TV, I head upstairs and went online a bit. And now… I’m gonna head to bed.

Good night everyone… Have a jolly xmas…

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

X'mas @ office

Warning! Freaking lotsa pictures!!!

Xmas tree in the office... with lotsa presents laying beneath it!

Ta-Da! Close up!

And more pressies! But this, is only for our own team. Oh Yes... I love my team very much.

Team Leaders at work. Decorating for the call centre. But from what I see, they're fooling around! But somehow, festive season it's all about fun, no? :)


GO! Spray like mad!

Taking off what we don't need... and...

And so, during this festive season, the managemant already planned out on a buffet for everyone in our office. 
And to our horror... it's cross-dressing! And boy we had a great laugh. But I have to say, my team, none of the guys have this kinda spirit. sighs... It's only the girls dressing up. OK la. For girls is easier cos pakai shirt and seluar, settle already la. 

Aren't they pretty? The guys from SG and Aus team...

The girls from Billing Dept. 

The Team Leaders...

And... more random pictures...

This is what i got from the gift exchange... Cute eh?  Hehe... :)

Even the punching bag join us and celebrate X'mas... 

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Itchy hands...

to type here even if i have nothing to update. yet... hehe...

office is organising xmas party and they're setting up the buffet now. the theme is... cross dressing. gosh. hopefully i dont laugh till i cant eat any food later.


Friday, December 19, 2008


A tall slim and graceful woman who walked proudly like she is walking in a
beauty pageant competition. If she slips or nearly falls, she will nicely
covered it up and continue with her graceful and impressive walking step.
She knows how to use make up to enhance her beauty. She looks at the world
positively, so her face always seem so happy. She will not get up set

Self confident woman who belief in her own style. She will not follow
fashion, but standing in between simplicity and too modern. She is a very
open person, sometimes can be too blunt
. She is an honest person and never
try to cause troubles for any one.

She likes to say something that you do not want to hear and yet she can say
something so pleasing at the same time. Example she may say "I wish you
could make more money, so you could afford better cloth, but anyway it is
better this way. If you make more money you could be thinking of money too
much and become greedy". She can say such thing and make you wonder if you
should get up set or love her more.

She is also a free spirit and does not like to stay home. She likes to be
protected, but not to give her orders
. She has no respect to a weak man. If
she try to over powered you, then you have to calm her down and try to
control her to be in a limit by doing the same thing too. She will listen if
she respect you
. She likes to be herself and like her guy to be himself.

She is a no nonsense woman, so you will not hear she says " Guess what I
will do next", or "Guess what I am thinking" because she always say what she
is thinking out loud like a guy. If you do not understand her in this
matter, you could easily break up with her. She sees problems in her love
life as another funny story.

She is clumsy and it is in her nature. You may think it is cute, but for
some neat guys this could be so unbearable. She is very friendly, so she can
easily turn her enemy to be her friends. She has good taste in fine cloths,
good food, first class and first services. Even a poor woman in this Zodiac
will struggle to afford such good taste. She could spent lots of money as if
she can not understand how difficult it is to make money
. If you think of
let her borrow money, think again.

She is a paranoid. If she thinks you like her, she may already think about
getting marry and lost her freedom and so on and on. A jolly woman who loves
sports. She is an ordinary woman who could dress like a tomboy. She has more
guy friends and sometimes could act like one of a guy. She does not care
about rumors
, so she can get home very late and couldn't careless what her
neighbor will gossip about her. She thinks either good or bad, you will know
it yourself , so you should not bother what people think

Her wit and innocent look are her charms. She is often hurts from love, but
never afraid to look for a new one as if she is singing "Do that to me one
more time".
She likes going straight and being straight forward. She will
not go around to get what she wants, or beat around the bush just to say
something. If you meet her and tell her straight what you think, she will
admire you.

** Those highlighted in green are so so true. And it's scary leh. I've post it up here so I'm like an open book already. :D


Previously I mentioned that I went for body check and found I'm having High BP issue. And I need to take medication. The tablets I'm taking the side effect is coughing.

Beginning, I didn't cough. But now, I always feel something's itching my throat and result is... coughing... Sighs...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rich brats...

I’m pretty disgusted with rich brats. No… not those who is still rich, still spending daddy & mommy’s money. I’m disgusted with those who is already broke, and when they got their hard earned money, they spend like there’s no tmrw...

Why do I say so?

A friend of mine, same age as me. When we were back studying in secondary school, he was one rich brat. RM 1k per week. No kidding.

And so we finished our secondary school and we went separate ways. I do hear news that he was caught in a pretty bad accident and his father passed away. What I didn’t know was, his father did not leave any will. So the battle between him, his mom (who is actually the 2nd wife) and the 1st wife’s children. The 1st wife passed away already then only his father marries the 2nd wife.

From high-end resident area, he moved to a cheap flat. He had to sell his car to support his family. He refuse to come out and socialize with us cos he wanna save up his money. Which all of us totally understands…

So the court case is over. The kids each has 10% and his mom gets 50%.

Then, he start to look for cars. Which also I totally understand. It’s for transportation wise. But no… 1st thing in his mind. A Beemer. Wtf right? Then Kia Carens. Also, he goes clubbing a lot…

Why can’t these spoilt rich brat keep the money for emergency’s sake…?

Monday, December 15, 2008

Merry Xmas

I dont know this consider as good news or a bad news.

my company requires us to cross dress for the xmas party. i shall be a butch for a day. hahaha...

anyways, found this template somewhere. loved it~ ^^

Friday, December 12, 2008


i suddenly remembered another 2 PLU community websites and i logged in. i found these 2 picture of myself, which was about 4 yrs back. hehe...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Tlafik jem...

it's Selangor's Public holiday and we at Kuala Lumpur need to work. and somehow, since 2.30pm up till now (3.45pm), the traffic jam is crazy.

Traffic heading towards Shah Alam at Federal Highway and heading towards MidValley...

Off day, stay at home n rest la. dun go out.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Islam or not, it's about how u carry yourself.

I received this e-mail in my office...

Baca dengan hati seorang ISLAM?

Saya ingin berkongsi cerita in dengan anda semua mengenai sikap segelintir orang Melayu kita atau lebih tepat lagi orang Islam di Malaysia ....

Kejadian benar ini berlaku di Carrefour Wangsa Maju beberapa hari lepas. Seorang pemuda Islam yang berkerja sebagai ' cashier ' di pasaraya tersebut telah menumbuk seorang lelaki c ina . Ini berlaku kerana ketika pemuda c ina tersebut sedang membayar harga barangan, pemuda Melayu ini telah
menegur pemuda C ina ini mengenai gambar baju yang sedang di pakai oleh pemuda c ina tersebut. Gambar itu ialah seekor babi yang sedang memakai serban di samping seekor anjing yang memakai tudung lambang agama Islam. pemuda Melayu itu bertanya gambar apakah yang sedang di pakai oleh pemuda c ina tersebut.

Dengan rasa bangga dan tidak bersalah, pemuda C ina itu terus menja wa b sambil menunjuk ke arah gambar ba jun ya dengan mengatakan babi yang memakai serban itu ialah Muhammad dan anjing yang memakai tudung itu ialah Khadijah. Mendengar ja wa pan lelaki tersebut, pemuda Melayu ini dengan tidak disangka2, menumbuk muka si C ina tersebut.

Huru hara lah suasana di carrefour itu. Kemudian pemuda C ina itu memaki hamun lalu datanglah Manager Carrefour yang juga beragama Islam lalu
memecat lelaki Melayu tadi. Apa yang di lakukan oleh Manager Carrefour tadi adalah sa tu etika yang patut di contohi kerana, menumbuk org sesuka hati memanglah salah...

Tapi malangnya, Manager tersebut bukan hanya memecat pemuda Melayu tadi yang sedang mempertahankan akidah agama Islam, tetapi turut memaki hamun pemuda Melayu itu dengan kata2 kesat. Pemuda Melayu ini pulang dengan keadaan hampa. Bukan kerana di pecat, tetapi turut di maki hamun oleh saudara
seislam yang di sangkanya akan turut manjaga maruah orang Islam selepas dih ina oleh laki C ina tadi.

Sekarang ni pemuda Melayu ni sedang menunggu untuk di saman oleh C ina tersebut. Beliau bukan takut malah tidak sabar 2 untuk menunggu disaman oleh C ina tersebut kerana beliau ada alasan yang kukuh kerana bertindak demikian.

Pengajarannya, sikap pemuda Melayu tadi memang patut di contohi kerana ingin menegakkan agama Islam. Pada anda, berhati2 la..kerana saya percaya,
tshirt yang di pakai oleh C ina tadi adalah salah satu strategi orang2 kafir untuk menjatuhkan maruah Islam.

Sebarkan kepada saudara2 Islam kita..!

1.Jika anda orang islam sila sebarkan email ini..!!

2.Jika anda orang bukan islam, diingatkan jangan sesekali bermain dengan api di negara malaysia islam ini

Basically, long story cut short. It’s saying that there’s a Malay cashier who works in Carrefour in Wangsa Maju came across a Chinese customer who wears a T-Shirt with a picture on it of a pig wearing a ‘serban’ and a dog wearing a tudung. Without hesitating, he sounded the customer.

The Chinese customer proudly saying that the pig is Muhammad and the dog is Khadijah. Listening to the reply the Chinese customer made, the Malay cashier punched the customer.

It was a hoo-hah situation in Carrefour and the Chinese customer scolded at the cashier. Then, came the Manager, and sacked the cashier.

The Malay cashier is not disappointed because the Manager sacked him, but the Manager have scolded him using vulgar words.

Now the Malay cashier is waiting for being sued by the Chinese customer and he’s not afraid. It’s eager to be sued as he has a strong reason for doing so.

**if by wearing a T-Shirt with pigs and dogs wearing serban and tudung deserves a punch, what about the person who calls us Chinese pendatangs? Isn’t that insulting us as well? Does he deserves a punch too?

what more, he is on duty. A cashier. And by punching the customer is so so wrong. If u really have problem with that, bring it outside. U r wearing ur company’s uniform. Don’t drop the company’s reputation by doing such thing. Not to say about the protecting ur Islamic thing. Thing as in, fighting with a customer. What would other customer thinks? If there’s a foreigner, what would the foreigner think? Think not about the cashier tho… about the company. How does the company nurture their staffs?

I personally is not pitying the cashier nor the customer. Both have their faults. Cashier for acting foolish whacking the customer at work. Customer for no respect towards others. It is a multi-race country. Respect one another la…

So by not pitying any of them, I deserves to be whack by both now?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Your Call - Secondhand Serenade

Waiting for your,
Call I'm sick,
Call I'm angry,
Call I'm desperate for your voice
Listening to the song we used to sing
In the car, do you remember
Butterfly, Early Summer
It's playing on repeat,
Just like when we would meet
Like when we would meet

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to,
To make you mine
Stay with me tonight

Stripped and polished, I am new, I am fresh
I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh
Cause every breath that you will take
When you are sitting next to me
Will bring life into my deepest hopes,
What's your fantasy? (What's your, what's your...)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to,
To make you mine
Stay with me tonight

[And I'm tired of being all alone, And this solitary moment makes me want to come back home] [4X] (I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to
Cause I was born to tell you I love you
And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine
Stay with me tonight(I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)
**at first when i listen to this song, i thought it was another noisy song. but after i found out the lyrics... it was so so beautiful... it's like 'i'm born to tell u i love u but i cant cos im torn to do what i have to do'... sweet...

Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade

The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting
Could it be that we have been this way before?
I know you don't think that I am trying
I know you're wearing thin down to the core

But hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

This is not what I intended
I always swore to you I'd never fall apart
You always thought that I was stronger
I may have failed, but I have loved you from the start

Ohh, but hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
It's impossible

So breathe in so deep
Breathe me in, I'm yours to keep
And hold on to your words 'cause talk is cheap
And remember me tonight when you're asleep

Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find

Tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear it's true
Because a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find

Friday, November 28, 2008

Good Day...

I am...

and if u wish to know the condition of the traffic in federal highway,

i'm at your service. :)
from my office i can have a wonderful view of the federal highway. once it started jam since 3pm! crazy...

Friday, November 14, 2008

Sad News...

I heard the retrenchment notice is out...

Who got unlucky?
I really don't know

But I really thank you guys on the guidance that you all have provided all these months...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Productive Saturday...

i meet them up at the borders. we watched at the premier class. and boy... i really look like jakun la. the seat is damn damn comfy! and most important is, the movie is damn damn nice!! worth watching!!

it was actually LM's bday today. so after movies, it's already 11.55pm. so...

we sang bday song n cut her cake at...

yeah! parking lot in the gardens! ahahahaha... yea. we always do the craziest thing. and LM did look damn happy wat... hahaha.

after singing out loud bday song in the parking lot, make wish, blow candle, cut cake. we left the gardens and went to Jaya One for some drinks. due to it's LM's bday... so the waiter came with the bill for her...

any cocks LM? it's only RM22. bring home a cock and celebrate ur bday~ haha!

Friday, November 7, 2008

1 month. Counting down.

I’m a 23y/o girl who…

- left SiS for a shitty company

- left shitty company for the best company

- left a 2 yr rship for good

- suffers from short term memory lost (LOL)

- great-grandma passed away this yr (2008) at age 96

- went pulau kapas for vacation

- won and lost like crap in genting for the 1st time T.T

- got rid of online games

- finally sees true colors of her friends

- never travel overseas before

- still stays with grandma

- longs to move out and have a life with a partner

- still spends money like water from the tap

- is full of jealousy

- always throw tantrums worst than a princess

- still feels like cutting

- is stubborn

- is still clueless in life

- needs lots and lots of pampering ^^

- loves anime

- loves gadgets

- needs mints all the time

- can't live without handphone

- is crazy about cows

- wants a dog of her own

- loves green apple

tattoo addict

i wanna tattoo this

but i dunno which part of my body le... recommend?

Monday, November 3, 2008


hate my pc! i was doing something. and the freaking software hang on me twice. twice in a night! and i didnt safe it. idiot idiot idiot!!

Friday, October 31, 2008

i miss...

having a place of my own and start scrapbooking and cardmaking again... sighs...

gone. all gone. my sweat and blood making cards stored in a big file... gone.

i really miss cardmaking la. but no place. my hse is full of junk.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Work Station

presenting this... our work station for the time being until we move to midvalley.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Malaysia Technical Team

Top :- Me (TH), Ryan(Fault), Adrian(Fault), Rakesh(PA), Giap(Fault)
Bottom :- Dominic(Fault), Mariflor (trainer slash work force manager slash team leader slash etc etc), Hammy(PA)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

smoking kaki

it's so nice to have smoking kaki around u. whenever u're bored, u can just drag them out to smoke. and majority of them would not turn u down.

smoking in a bunch is also a way to socialize. that's why some people called it social smoker... u smoke means u smoke la. what social smoker? nonsense...

but being a social smoker is not a good thing too... cos u'll end up making people's place a mess...

like this...

yeah... be proud. our master piece. and this is just small part of it. not including those we dumped through the window. XD

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

i *heart* MS Office 2007

My office recently just upgraded my pc MS Office to 2007 version. Previously I used only once. But didn’t really get to molest every part of it. Now that I get to molest every part of it, gosh… it’s so fantastic!

I suddenly realize I really have no life. It’s just work, work, work… other than that, go out for dinner/supper.

But these 3 days will be occupied. Today, me and colleagues will go for dinner at Klang. Then, tmrw will head to gym. Then, Friday will head to colleague’s place to hang out.

Colleagues dun like taking pictures. So no updates on them or how they look like. Haha!

There’s updates on my job scope tho… currently doing task handover. I have done a one-day moderate training by a girl from sg. Via phone n msn. Haha… dem nice. Very challenging. Easy as it may seem but there’s really a lot of things to take note on. And have to be really careful before handing over the task. *sweat*

Now after work d… staring at the pc dunno wat to do. Tempting to finish the task. But feeling really lazy suddenly. Been cracking my head whole day on one customer d. And now… more to come… >.<

Seriously, i do realise im crapping here... i dont know what to do!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Stupid break-in

(in mandarin)

i stunned... my heart beats damn fast. never in more than 10 yrs staying here has a break-in in my house.

just the day before, the street light wasnt working so i left my house light on, and i got scolded by my grandma that i waste electricity.

now... this happened. sighs...

on the way, i called my aunt see if she have already called the police. and she screamed at me again.

but after some time, my aunt called me again and asked me (nicely) what important things i keep at home. my most precious thing was only my digi cam, my pc and my cash that i wanna pay off my bills. she cant check on my digi cam cos it's too messy, police havent take pictures yet. pc, too big until can be notice that everything is ok... but my money, that was in a white envolope... gone.

lagi la i stunned! i speechless weih. my 1st month salary half of it gone. poof! just like that. T.T

apparently, the police who came and checked on our house was the same police that came when my dearest nothing-better-to-do-fucker did creepy whistles. how did i know when i'm not even at home? my aunt told me, when the police came, he asked for me instead. :D

anyways, the whole proper story was. my aunt came back with my grandma, and my aunt noticed something is weird in my room cos usually my room's light is off. so she kept quiet and went to the kitchen and saw one big hole in the ceiling...

without hesitating, my aunt dragged my grandma out of the house, in case if the burglar is still upstairs (smart move. must learn! if me i sure bodoh bodoh go up d.) so, my aunt quickly called all my uncles and the police as well. my aunt told me when my 4th uncle came with the police, the police was holding the gun, my uncle was still holding a thick stick rushed upstairs to check. fuiyoh! so yao yeng! like drama oni. but i missed it. ishh!

we suspect, after he climbed in, he wanted to open our backdoor so that he can allow his fellow 'friend' come in and help or better access so can move the big electronic stuffs. fortunately, we lost the key for the lock outside. but the inside, he managed to unlock it. notice the middle part that's kinda light. there's a barrier we put it there and he manage to unlock and remove it.

the damage : firstly, my giant piggy bank, worth of 1k. inside was full of 50cents.

korek korek lagi... dun have anything...

my pc room. money in envolope, gone.

my mini piggy bank worth of rm600. inside was full of 50 cents oso. gone.

even my bags oso wanna korek... but my bag rm100 he took! :(

after all the hard work of korek-ing. they went down stairs again... they must be so darn tired, they opened the fridge and took 2 cans of coke to drink. poor burglars cant even finish it, they rushed of (i think they heard my aunt and grandma reached home) . cos when my aunt checked the can tempreture, it's still very cold. (too much forensic heroes drama) but please le. u really think malaysia police will take the DNA to test ah? mimpi la lu. they just came, see see. look look. draw on the floor plan where is messy. where is damaged. snap snap pictures. thats all...

so why did i say that the burglars are stupid?
1, my digital camera could easily earn them rm800, is still with me.
2, my canon printer which i already packed in a nice plastic bag, it's so easy for them to carry, is still here.
3, the Palm PDA is still here.
4, the handphone borrowed to me for my extra line, is still here.
5, my bag worth rm500, is still here.
6, osim uzap mini, is still here
7, the envolope with cash for my bills... IS STILL HERE!
my aunt mistaken with another envolope!!! weeeeeeeeeeee~~!!! i dun have to starve this month!

actually, i suspect it's the whistling fucker who did all these. but it's all my assumptions. but how come both incident are so close to each other?

so all of us were cleaning up everything. all-of-us are me, aunt amy, aunt jane, aunt agnes, aunt vini, cousin tracy, uncle john, uncle derek and of cos my grandma. they still have the mood to joke. and i paling zha dou wan was from aunt jane... "aiyo, this house oni got 2 girls. why all the baju like got 6 daughters in this house wan!"

total damage :
50 cents coin = 1600
roof top fix = unknown
money in bag = 100

total gain :
family reunion
grandma's lesson to be learnt :- MUST ON LIGHTS!

one part, i really thank God that we're not at home at that moment. cos when i was cleaning my pc room, when i lift my shorts, i saw my grandma's chopping knife laying there. all my aunties was saying it's for breaking the piggy bank. yea... true. but when IF someone is really at home? would the chopping knife come in handy? have to chop bbq pork and thank God d. "tong chu wan san"

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


So many things to blog, so little time.

The other day I got a msg from a long time friend in Friendster, asking me how am I and asked if I know that one of the guy in my school already passed away last year.

I got shocked. He was one of the naughtiest guy in my school. Rebellious. Maybe that’s how he put in a deep impression in all of us. In a way, he’s very nice to mix with. A very nice friend. He always carries laughter to our class. Always had his bright smile on his face.

Apparently, he passed away last year’s 13th Oct. Almost a year now, and up till now only I know what happened. I was told that he had heart failure and he already had it a long time ago. Just that nobody knows only his family…

Remon Chang Tze Hon,
May you rest in peace…

Lesson to be learnt : “you’ll never know what’s behind a beautiful smile”

Thursday, September 25, 2008

simple update.

life sucks. really...

i've been trying to get a car but the down payment is killing my brains. but for now, kinda solved. i asked the guys in my class to help me out to look for a sales person who can do magic... me now waiting for aunt prepare documentations and then wait for news from my friend.

as for job. getting more n more in love with my job. probably it's because previously i do have the passion in IT, just that i didnt really had a chance to really touch in it. so now, i'm really relieved and blessed. learning as many things as possible now and trying to familiarise it. after that, offer myself to cross trained a few more tasks. more cross training, more chances to get to Team Leader post. and if possible, wanna try to get CCNA cert. it's just 1st month i already think so big! muahahahaha!! next week onwards, my working hours would be graveyard hours. when u see a zombie walking down the street, dun worry. it wont bite. it's just me...

i always have loved this song... and also the anime...

didnt know the singer is actually this cun. *saliva dripping*

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New co... Phase 1 - Training

It’s been 2 weeks now since I joined my new company. I remember back then on the 1st day, I tried to run away because I was afraid I can't get along with the guys and the trainer thought us things that I totally never heard before. I called back my job recruitment agent and ask about the other post is it still available, but unfortunately then, it’s already been taken by someone else. But fortunate now, I learnt lots of new things and colleagues are not bad after all…

The 1st week was tough. Really tough. The trainer keep pumping new things into our brains and keep asking us to go out present and review what has been thought and lots of discussion till I actually quite pissed at one of the guys. In the middle of trainings, we do joke around till they even said I’m the macho girl cos I’m the only girl. Sheesh… Overall, training was fun.

The 2nd week arrived. We usually hang out at the pantry before work starts or at the 5th floor of the building cos that’s the only place with food. Others are just far. And I’m lazy to walk. Hehe… Now that we already knew most of the stuffs that was being pumped into our brains, we started even more discussions on how hybrid products looks like and how to apply it to the ticketing system.

Today is the final day of the 2nd week. We are separated into 3 groups and 3 different groups will be majoring different tasks. We still do answer calls, but at the same time, we major our own stuffs. Those majoring works are Planned Activity, Fault Manager and Task Handover.

Although we are called customer service to most people, but our team members are called Incident Managers… sounds good with the ‘manager’? I don’t think so. We manage the incidents. And if the incident screw up and if the client is Microsoft, we’re so dead… T.T