Thursday, December 25, 2008

X'mas is never late...

Yes… it’s always on time. Everybody starts counting down and strike midnight, everyone would wish one another ‘Merry Xmas!’

And here I am wishing every single one of u Merry Xmas~

This year was rather lonely xmas for me. I finished work at 7pm but had to stay late a little bit to finished up some work. Which is still piling up like mad. Left office at about 8pm to meet up with my aunt who is doing her last minute shopping for her party. After being frustrated and threw her temper at me. We managed to find suitable gifts for her gift exchange.

We then headed home.

Once I got home, I had my dinner and my only company was my sleeping grandma and the TV. Sound sad huh? Well, not exactly actually. I guess this is what they mean by ‘Silent night~ Holy night~’ Yea, the silent night really got me all relaxed from a tensed day at work.

After watching TV, I think it was called ‘The canopy of love’. It was a Hong Kong TVB Drama. Quite nice. Feel like downloading it since I’m not often on time sitting in front of the TV.

Alamak, out of topic liao. Anyways, after watching TV, I head upstairs and went online a bit. And now… I’m gonna head to bed.

Good night everyone… Have a jolly xmas…

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