Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tasty Porridge @ Taipan USJ

It was only me and my mom that day. So we decided to eat out! I'm so out of touch with my area now. My mom decided to take the lead and drove me out to have dinner. Without me knowing where this place is. 

She brought me to somewhere I'm familiar with. I asked her, "Taipan ah?" 

Salted eggs... The usual must have for me when having porridge. 

Ginger Fish. 

My mom insisted to order this. She said it's really good, but to me it tasted a bit weird. Like plasticky taste. My mom said it is ok tho. Don't know if it is my taste bud problem or what... 

Kung Pou Froggie... 

The gravy is damn nice! The gravy is salty and it goes really well with porridge.

Just plain porridge... :P

Overall experience for me is, I would go back again for the Kung Pou Frog. The next table was having Curry Fish Head and the aroma actually made my mouth watery. I noticed quite a few tables ordered that. So, will try that out the next visit. 

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