Wednesday, November 20, 2013

i-City with Ah Ma

it was one of the usual sundays where me and my family had our dinner and had no where else to go. so we decided to drive to i-city and walk around. my mom said they came the other day but just drive a round then headed home. she didnt know there's more to see inside. 

i myself didnt know there so many things to see. there's red carpet, haunted house and also that illusion thingie. 

we took really slow walk around.

ahma always camera shy wan... 

i actually got frightened by this fella. and he didnt even do anything to scare me. he just stands there... T.T

it looks quite empty here... hrmmm... 

fun fair!

from one end until another. we stopped at old town to rest and have a drink. 

fun fair! me and ewin always have a thing for fun fair. so we walk over and play a few games while ahma and my aunt went to the toilet. 

while baby was busy choosing which game she wanna donate her money to... i was busy looking at lights... 

at last... she chose duckie...

and of cos... she successfully donated her money to them. 

me looking lost in the jungle of lights... 

to end the night. me and baby walked all the way back to take the car and drove over to fetch the ladies. headed home and i couldnt sleep... hahaha... 

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