Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 3 - Pulau Redang Trip

the next morning we woke up to a beautiful sunshine. what is more awesome than waking up at the beach?

the view from the cafeteria. 

we had our breakfast and we changed to our swimsuits thinking to join in for the snorkeling. but, we missed our own resort's boat. either they left early, or our watch is slow. wtf...

so we tumpang the other resort's boat heading to the same place. off we go to Marine Park Centre!

lotsa corals on the sand. sometimes it hurts walking on the beach that i rather sit at the bench or just stay in the water. the fishes tho is is about the same as the fishes i saw near the resort. but of cos, the amount of fishes is definitely much much more here!

we hang around here for a while. at the same time waiting for the resort guys to gather us to go back to the resort. 

there's this boy sitting at the beach playing with sand while screaming "MAMA!!! MAMA!!!"

and i dont know why... seriously. his parents and sister is just few steps away. 

awesome clear beach. see through! love love... ^^

when i was in the boat waiting for other to get in, i didnt realise we are actually surrounded by fishes! like LOTS OF FISHES!

can you see that?! OMG!!! i have never in my entire life seeing so many fishes around me! 

views while on the way back to our resort. 

after we got back to the resort, we placed back our stuffs in the room, had our lunch and rest. 

after that we went snorkel more near the resort. but i didnt bring out my camera cos i think it will still be sun, sea, sand... the same. we didnt manage to rent the underwater camera cos the one that we wanted to rent no more. and the ones that are left expensive lorr... 

so ya. end of day 2 in redang. :P

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