Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Bangkok Trip!

my first time on a plane! :D

ok la. if u consider when i was 5 yrs old to Langkawi then this is my 2nd time. but still! im was damn excited! 

the day started off by me waking up first and got ready and dressed. woke LGZ up and packed the remaining stuffs into our luggage. went for lunch with LGZ's sis and BIL and then they sent us to LCCT. 

and i thought the first time taking flight, i will be late and miss the flight. the feeling sucks! the whole car damn tensed up! 

we rushed towards the gate. i didnt expect LCCT is so big and need so much walking. T.T once we arrived the gate, only found out the flight was delayed. i sat and rest cos my head was spinning alre from rushing too much. @.@


i tell you. i damn 'sua ku' lor! i was in the plane, looking up and down. left and right. most of the time out of the window. 

Just took off~

clouds~ damn nice~ ^^

almost reaching. :D

me and LGZ on the way to the hotel~

initially, we were suppose to meet up with nikie and abbie in platinum mall, but bcos the flight was delayed, we meet up in the hotel instead. we stayed in White Palace Hotel

first time on tuk tuk~ haha!

we rested a while and freshen up a little and we went out to Pat Pong Night Market. we had dinner near by first then we walked there. 

erm. can i call this Thailand Char Siu Siew Yok Fan? hehe... what is this called actually? :X

Thailand Kon Lou Mee? :P 

Chinese Ice Tea

Pat Pong Night Market! 

With Abbie and LGZ far far there. haha!

SO DAMN MANY THINGS TO SEEEEEE... see until i dont know what and how to buy. hahahaa! ok la. LGZ said i dont know how to do shopping wan. cos i am not a shopping person. so when i told her i wanna go on a shopping trip, she was like "you?! shopping trip?? ya right..." and indeed. she was right. =.="

fruits to chill down a lil... 

yummilicious PORK BALL!

after walking along the Pat Pong Night Market, we stopped by at a stall for food. why the pork ball so damn yummy wannn~~ *saliva drips*

after that we headed back to our room and rest~

our day 2 

woke up early and went for breakfast in the hotel's cafe. we went out straight to Chatuchak Market

coconut ice cream

LGZ said when come to bangkok must try this. 


LGZ likes the sticky rice, i like the nata de coco. ^^ its really yummy and refreshing for a hot weather. 

SO MANY THINGS TO SEE AGAIN!!! bought a lot of clothes~ ^^ the purpose for this BKK trip is to change my whole wardrobe. haha! 

coconut to refresh a bit. :P

ok la. i damn princess ah, i admit. i walk until my feet damn pain. brought the wrong socks with me oso. causing the shoe rubbing on my skin. damn pain ah. when i was sitting and enjoying this coconut drink, LGZ went around looking for socks. but not successful. muacks~ thanks bii. 

was sitting the whole time there smelling this yummy crepe. smell damn nice ah! until i cannot tahan and bought one and makan. 

after rested a while. we went looking for the others to head back to the hotel.   

loot from Chatuchak. ^^V

after Chatuchak, we went back to our rooms to rest. me and LGZ rest a while and went down again to walk along the streets outside the hotel. we went all the way out to Platinum Mall but it was closed already. so we just walked along the street. instead of looking for clothes and shoes to buy, we bought food instead. pasar malam style. LGZ found her favourite pancake that she ate from Krabi. to me its like... roti pisang with chocolate. we then stopped by at the McD opposite the Platinum Mall. they ayam goreng is so damn different! damn nice ah! 

we walked back to our room and watched animax until fall asleep. :P

our day 3

day 3 is more relaxed.

woke up for the breakfast of cos, then we headed out to King Power. erm... a bit regret for over spending the previous days. :P so many things wanna buy here but cannot. cos over budget. T.T

me and abbie

after King Power, the others went back to their room. while me, LGZ, nikie and abbie headed to Platinum Mall. had our lunch there and do more SHOPPING! hahaha! then we walked back to the hotel.

Thailand Char Siu Siew Yok Fan(?) again. :P

Hai Nan Chicken Rice. 

Deep fried pork rice. 

MORE pork balls! cant get enough of it! muahahahaa!

loot from Platinum Mall and the street outside our hotel. ^^

tickets for Chao Phraya Princess Dinner Cruise

after freshen up, we headed for dinner on a cruise~! Chao Phraya Princess Dinner Cruise~ very nice experience. food is so so only. and there's performance as well. 

walking~ walking~ walking~

waiting area

camwhore a bit. me and LGZ~ 

waiting area~

group picture~ ^^

wait until sien, sat on the floor. 

me again~ ^^

me and abbie

kesian. T.T

grabbing free tickets for FOOD!

lol! LGZ lifted me and swirl me around. 

waiting outside... 

ya. wait wait wait and wait... hungry ohhh...

one of the hotel. forgot what hotel is it... 

one of the cruise. 

dinner on cruise~

long table...

aiming... for... food... 

another group pict. 

dunno why LGZ like this pict so much. @.@

waiting for food to be served. 

long long Q~ T.T

*saliva drips*

me and nikie

after dinner we headed back to the hotel. me and LGZ went down to walk around again. hunting more stuffs to buy. ahahahaa!

our day 4. last day~

 took our breakfast. checked out our room and hang around in abbie and nikie's room a while. went down and had our lunch by the roadside. we have trouble ordering the food. haha~ 

MOO!!! chocolate soft candy. 

after lunch, settled some stuffs then me and LGZ headed to the airport while abbie and nikie stayed a while more until their turn to take their flight. 

leaving luuu~

touched down and being picked up by LGZ's sis and BIL. 

my overall trip was... tired... tired... tired... especially my legssss... walked damn a lot! lesson to be learnt. bring fan along. bring anything that is cooling when u are doing lots of walking. 

nonetheless... the loot was... AWESOME! 

basically i spent about rm250 for the flights. LGZ's flight a bit more expensive cos she bought later than me. approx rm300 for accomodation. rm1700 for shopping/makan/minum/tuktuk/etc etc... 


Unknown said...

Camera apa nie.. dark area no noise :D nice nice....

dafug 1700 on shoppin...

BlurCo said...

Giap, compact digital camera. Canon ixus err... 100is I think. I got edit wor. Dunno the editing will affect or not.