Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Busy Busy Week...

It’s been really busy for the past 1 week. Especially for LGZ. For me I’m fine cos I’m working night shift. But for her, after work she need to rush to the new house to do packing/cleaning/etc etc. 

When it’s my off days, I went over and help with some cleaning and monitor on the furniture being moved in. 

All set now. It’s only me now that needed to pack my stuffs and move in. ^^

On the side note...

I wanna congrats JASMINE! 

table deco

I was at her wedding dinner last week in T@ste6. A restaurant in Swiss Garden Residences. Its not the typical ‘YUM SENG’ Chinese wedding dinner that we usually go to. 

placard and thank you gift

It is being set up in long tables. The table that I am seated was with Jessi, Nikie, Abbie, Lisa and Lisa’s hubby, Lawrence. 

The journey getting to the dinner place was a night mare. It was jammed everywhere! And it was raining~ Heavily!!! Actually, luckily it wasn’t me driving cos if it’s me, I think I will scream at the top of my lungs alre. =.=””

Once I arrived is when they served the first course. The seafood soup. 

Then we were being entertained by a slide show of Paul’s childhood pictures. 

grilled chicken +blue cod fish + mashed sweet potato + deep fried yam

Then they served the second course,  grilled chicken +blue cod fish + mashed sweet potato + deep fried yam. I love the mashed sweet potato! Gonna mashed it myself and enjoy it on a couch next time. Yums~

Jasmine put up a short video of their journey in pictures with their wedding pictures. 


And then most guests left after then dessert.  

me and abbie

While the guests leaving one by one, I was at the hotel lobby enjoying my TVB drama on my phone waiting for LGZ to pick me up. She was busy with the cleaning. (Ya. Fetch me d den have to go through the jam back to the new house and clean some more…) She then picked me up, back to the new house and continue cleaning... 

Congrats again Jasmine. Stay sweet and pretty always. Next time I see you, we continue bully Jessi, k? Haha…


Camwhore a bit. :P

Next wedding... Karen's.

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