Monday, April 23, 2012

of weekends and offdays

and... after work... 

ok. i sound like my schedule is damn pack. at first i didnt think so, and when i look back the pictures in my phone... i did went out quite a lot... heh... 

i dont know these pictures have been laying around for how long so... in no particular order... 

yummy chee cheong fun from petaling street. had this after my midnite shift. went recce with jessi and jasmine and boy did i hv fun! i was practically in heaven cos damn a lot of craft stuffs! and i definitely dont know how to go back there wan. T.T 


on one random nite, i suddenly felt like having ikan bakar... to be more specifically... sting ray bakar. im not a big fan of sting ray. but i just felt like eating that nite. so kim wei suggested chow yang's ikan bakar. went there with the girls... and... i dont know if it is a good thing we went... 

there's this char kuay teow uncle kept coming over to our table to chit chat. 


he even showed us his watch... =.="

"ling ling chat" yo. dun pray pray... hahaha... 

and this... 

is the uncle. his char kuay teow is damn nice ah. if u ask him add spiciness... be prepared to have your asshole burning. 

and i forgot to snap pict of the ikan bakar. but it was AWESOME! 

ahh... this comes handy... 

what is better than having cold beer after a hectic day at work? 
had this when ju needed a favour from me. to fetch from from bangsar, to subang den back to bangsar... and ended up having a long chat with him n arvind at 7e until 2am. =.=" 

but im glad i hung out with them that nite. arvind told me something that sort of made me feel a little better. :)


suppose to meet the girls early at kanna curry house, but i ended up go jusco to get air freshener for my car, and MrV getting his car back so i thought get for his car oso. manatau... he took the car, but never see me. and he bought himself d...


after jusco and my fav very berry strawberry... headed to ss2 to meet with the girls. had dinner and head to centre point for 2nd round yum cha. 

again... until 2 am... =.="

during yumcha, i was looking through facebook and saw daph's status saying she is being admited to hospital. the last i know about her was she needed to be tested for h1n1. i gave her a call to check and it is ok to visit. 

so i went and visit the next day with fione. 

the tea time. the muffin damn cute ah... 

this silly girl keep leaving the hand downwards and her blood just flow out like that. =.="" 

until one point, she wants to walk around the hosp cos she was bored, we headed down to starbucks. i bought myself the loyalty card. ^^ 


oh nothing. just random pict of myself. :)

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