Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A note to myself


U need to identify what is important for you. You may be clouded by stuffs that are equally important but do not lose your focus.

Things may not have been easy on you for the past few months. Learn... Learn to let it flow by itself. Things that are meant to be will eventually straighten it out by itself.

You hv issues of your own and if no one understands, its ok bcos u do not need anyone to. U just need friends n family to stick by. And u knw u hv them.

Its ok if there is no one to lean on bcos u hv been strong enough all these yrs battling alone resulting what u hv now. And its ok to continue battling cos it will be all worth it at the end. What u have now is the greatest prove.

Stay focus n keep fighting...


Sent from my Xperia™ S

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