Saturday, September 10, 2011

A visit from SG

it was a pretty rushy trip for noelle and ashley, and the reason they're in kl is that they need to meet their client for meeting/training.

they arrived on thursday morning and then their client met them at kl central.

their meeting was delayed... =.="

by 1 hour plus... =.="""

by the time they're done, it was already 8pm. and their client is nice enough to send them to the hotel.

while waiting for them to be done, me and samson went and collect his laundry first around his condo. then we went to enigma to have a jug first while waiting. we booked a few jugs more cos happy hour was ending soon.

after a jug, we went and pick ashley and noelle up from their hotel. brought them to kuchai lama's 100°c. we headed back to enigma and finish up the jugs and samson was having his syok sendiri concert all the way. oh... enigma was not occupied at all! ok la. got a few uncles at the bar talking with the lady boss. and then, its just us. thats why samson can syok sendiri himself. noelle sang a few and sometimes became samson's back up when he cannot sing high pitch parts... =.=" while me and ashley only listen to the songs.

after we're done, we sent samson back and then headed to the hotel they're staying. and that's the end of the nite~

the next morning checked out at 7.30am and they took a cab to kl central and i headed home to rest cos i was on MC. my head was banging like crap...

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