Monday, September 26, 2011

Auto Fiesta 2011

went for dinner with jessi in ss15 and decided to visit the boys at the auto fiesta 2011, which was in inti college subang ss15. jessi agreed to go along.

while i was rounding for a car park, vp suddenly appeared at the window of the passenger seat, causing jessi got a heart attack. lol...

after i got a spot to park my car, i went straight to inti college. they were having this model search thing at the stage area.

joe's car - interior... he got the 1st runner up for interior modification.
and vp got prize for facebook competition.

one of the cars there. specially taken for bie~

jim's car. one of TI's flame thrower.

exotic cars baybeh~

*hearts hearts*


its been a while since i last posted my car picture here eh? hehe...

lil vava is done with her mods. not adding anything anymore. :)

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