Thursday, June 30, 2011

蔡健雅 / Tanya Chua (Cai Jian Ya) - 空白格 / Kong Bai Ge

其實很簡單 其實很自然
qi shi hen jian dan qi shi hen zi ran
liang ge ren de ai you liang ren fen dan
其實並不難 是你太悲觀
qi shi bing bu nan shi ni tai bei guan
ge zhu yi dao qiang bu gen shui fen xiang
bu xiang rang ni wei nan
ni bu zai xu yao gei wo ge da an
wo xiang ni shi ai wo de
wo cai ni ye she bu de
但是怎麼說 總覺得
dan shi zen me shuo zong jue de
wo men zhi jian liu le tai duo kong bai ge
ye xu ni bu shi wo de
ai ni que you gai ge she
fen kai huo xu shi xuan ze
dan ta ye ke neng shi wo men de yuan fen

其實很簡單 其實很自然
qi shi hen jian dan qi shi hen zi ran
liang ge ren de ai you liang ren fen dan
其實並不難 是你太悲觀
qi shi bing bu nan shi ni tai bei guan
ge zhu yi dao qiang bu gen shui fen xiang
bu xiang rang ni wei nan
ni bu zai xu yao gei wo ge da an
wo xiang ni shi ai wo de
wo cai ni ye she bu de
但是怎麼說 總覺得
dan shi zen me shuo zong jue de
wo men zhi jian liu le tai duo kong bai ge
ye xu ni bu shi wo de
ai ni que you gai ge she
fen kai huo xu shi xuan ze
dan ta ye ke neng shi wo men de yuan fen

wo xiang ni shi ai wo de
wo cai ni ye she bu de
但是怎麼說 總覺得
dan shi zen me shuo zong jue de
wo men zhi jian liu le tai duo kong bai ge
ye xu ni bu shi wo de
ai ni que you gai ge she
fen kai huo xu shi xuan ze
dan ta ye ke neng shi wo men de yuan fen

順子 / Shun Zi - 寫一首歌 / Xie Yi Shou Ge

yue liang zai ni de yan jing
tai yang zai wo xin
xian zai wo chang zhe shou ge
ooh 只為你
ooh zhi wei ni

xiang ba suo you fan nao dou wang diao
zuo bu zuo de dao
ni ming bai wo xin zai ran shao
因為你 因為你 ooh 為你
yin wei ni yin wei ni ooh wei ni

ni xin zhong de hua wo quan dou xiang ting
neng bu neng xiang xin
suo you de mong li quan dou shi ni
hui bu hui ting xi

和你一起 是否不會再放棄
he ni yi qi shi fou bu hui zai fang qi
ni de xin li you mei you mi mi
wo fen bu qing bu yao zai yi
zhi xiang wei ni xie yi shou ge

寫一首歌 寫一首歌 都是你
xie yi shou ge xie yi shou ge dou shi ni

yue liang zai ni de yan jing
tai yang zai wo xin
xian zai wo chang zhe shou ge
ooh 只為你
ooh zhi wei ni

xiang ba suo you fan nao dou wang diao
zuo bu zuo de dao
ni ming bai wo xin zai ran shao
因為你 因為你 ooh 為你
yin wei ni yin wei ni ooh wei ni

Oh love's in the air
it's everywhere
everyone can see
everyone can feel

that love's in the air
it doesn't matter where
everyone agrees
love is all we need

When the moon falls in your eyes
I know the sun has set
the fire still burns within me
since the day we met

I know my heaven would be so complete
you could make it real
I won't let this chance go by
I can see, I can feel you

When the moon falls in your eyes
I know the sun has set
the fire still burns within me, within me

yue liang zai ni de yan jing
tai yang zai wo xin
xian zai wo chang zhe shou ge
zhi wei ni

Monday, June 27, 2011

beer mania!

been drinking like beers are free recently...

20th June - Funky Villa.
21st June - Enigma.
22nd June - Wings.
26th June - Station One

30th June another round at Funky Villa. starting at 6pm, 1st glass is normal price. and RM 1 for the next, and the next and the next and the next until 12mn. :P


Friday, June 24, 2011

drunkard, cherating and such...

the drunkard
its already friday. and im gonna blog what happened starting from exactly 1 week ago.

friday nite, i was having drinks with my colleagues. before leaving, went to another table and shot a few more glasses. while driving along our beloved federal highway road, it was really jammed up. from 4 lanes, we squeezed to 1 lane. and boy, my head was banging like mad. there are few times i fell asleep while driving. and when i finally reached home, i stopped my car's engine and napped in the car a while. when it was getting really warm, i get out from the car, went in the house and continue sleeping.

the next day (saturday), i was suppose to join the girls to cherating and jessi is suppose to be my designated human alarm clock, 6am. and... my phone battery died. smart eh?

desperately in need to call me up, she called my aunt. and my aunt knocked on my door.

aunt : why didnt u lock the gate?? it was wide opened!
me : *awake a lil but still blur* oh, is it? but i got lock the inside gate rite?
aunt : ya. but u left the wooden door opened.
me : aiya, got lock can d la. how come u wake up so early?
aunt : jessi called. u r supposed to wake up now.
me : er. what time now?
aunt : 6 something d.
me : urgh. shit. *cos still stoned!*
aunt : where is your car keys?
me : *jumped and sat up on the bed* not on the table?
aunt : no
me : *living in denial* sure at somewhere in the house wan laaa...

i got a feeling it's in the car alre but i am toooo stoned to get up, hoping and praying hard that its somewhere in the HOUSE instead. but aunt came in again...

aunt : i cant find ur car keys...

i was thinking, sure d. i went down, went out, opened my car door... IT WAS HANGING THERE! AND I FREAKING FREAKED OUT!!! THANK GOD NOBODY DRIVE ME CAR AWAY!!! ~~~~~T__T~~~~~

so i went back in to the house, rushed to pack and showered and went out to fetch jessi.


after fetching jessi and marie, we headed to the meet up point with the rest. which i was damn late alre. :P

upon reaching, abbie, nikie, daph and fionne was already there waiting. hehe... paiseh... *blush*. without waiting long, we started our journey. before we drove off, nikie told me not to drive too fast. rightt... when we started our journey not long later, her car over took my car and since then, we were driving at the average of 140 to 150 km/h.

really mad women on the road. =.=

once the sea was at sight, marie started screaming in the car bcos she was tooooooooo excited. lol! but we didnt hit the sea right away. met up with auntie ruby and head out again for the prawn mee for lunch. after the lunchie, we went to get stuffs for the drinking session at night and also medication stuffs for nikie and marie. we then checked in! :D

after checking in and rest a while, we changed into our swim suit and rushed down the beach! after being hit by the strong waves a few times, we sat down and started scrubbing ourselves with the sand and washed it away using the sea water. damnnnn smoooooth weihhh~ ^^

after getting a lil tanned, we went back to ruby's and rinsed ourselves. we sat at the lounge chatting while enjoying our ais kacang, chicken wings and huge jug of ribena. the feeling is so blissful~

we wanted to nap a while, but then by the time we headed back to our rooms to shower, it is already time for dinner. auntie ruby prepared BBQ dinner for us and it was really yummilicious~ ^^ despite the feeding session to the mosquitoes, the dinner is really superb. *likes~*

after dinner, we didnt have enough ice so we drove out again to get some ice. and we came back and started drinking. it wasnt a drunk session. it's a slow drinking bonding session. and i like that. the happy part about it is that, we managed to clear up some misunderstanding and got to know some thing that i should have known earlier... after drink drink, we then went back to our rooms to sleep sleep~ ^^

i know the girls woke up early for breakfast, but i couldnt be bothered about it. i've alre told them, this is my lazy vacation and i shall sleep and sleep and sleep until i am satisfied. and they really did let me sleep. haha~ somehow i know that jessi came back to the room and changed. didnt bother to wake me up to put her suntan lotion for her, thats why she ended up like a lobster now. then she came back in the room to go our again for lunch. she did ask me if i wanna join them for lunch, i said no. and continue sleep. ahh~ i love vacation like this! hahaha~ but they are sweet enough to dapao for me and didnt leave me to die in hunger. :P

i finally woke up and they are still out having lunch and getting the local delicacies (keropok lekor and satar). i took my own sweet time to shower, washed and blow dry my hair, and i group-whatsapp them that i am all showered and waiting for my lunch to arrive. haha~

my lunch finally came back and it was nasi kukus~ damn nice~ after filling my tummy with solid food, we proceed with more drinks~ yes! day time! chivas la, beer la and surprisingly, none of us are drunk. i guess the saying is true. u get drunk easily when u r upset but u dont get drunk easily when u r happy. although we are not drunk AT ALL, we were laughing and laughing and laughing! until at a point we really have to stop cos we need to get ready for dinner. jessi joined auntie ruby and tanti and fudder for dinner. while me, abbie, nikie and marie went to have dinner with abbie's ex colleague, din.

din came to fetch us girls out and somehow we started talking and suddenly we were bantering on what is a fork called in malay? garfu or garpu? while we were bantering, we were laughing non stop again! and this garfu and garpu lead us laughing from one after another topic. we laughed until we reached the restaurant. we laughed while we were ordering. we laughed while we were waiting for the dishes to arrive. we laughed while we were eating! we laughed until marie was already rolling on the floor (we were sitting on the floor for dinner so the floor is clean)!! we laughed until din have to do 5 attempts to get the fish. we laughed until nikie's hand shake while having the spoon full of tomyam soup, and by the time the spoon reaches her mouth, the spoon is empty. we laughed until i chocked and puke! even when we were on our way back to ruby's, we were still laughing our asses off!

we arrived at ruby's and we are sitting outside our room still laughing but trying not to laugh out loud. half way, i went back to the room and dragged jessi out from the bed. we cant control our volume so we got fed up and we group BBM'ed instead. after we are satisfied with our chimney session, we went into nikie and abbie's room to talk some more. abbie finally dozed off and we were finally sleepy. went out for the last ciggie and went back to our rooms and sleep. zzz...

the next day we checked out and we went hai peng for brunch! but then reality strike us even before we go back KL. there's traffic jam. a massive one! all of us were already soooo damnnnn hungry, we decided to stop at one of those stalls to buy lekor and satar.

after lunch, we have to go through the jam again and we stopped at the Turtle Sanctuary. but it was closed. and abbie said she dun wan fren penyu d and wanna fren cow cow instead. =.= we then drove to chiang kee to get ikan bilis and we headed home.

and no. the laughter didnt stop there cos we were passing voice notes using BBM and we were laughing like mad again in our own cars! jessi did some silly stunt which marie started laughing hysterically in the car. which caused me laughing like mad also. this time we drove back at average 130km/h.

needless to say, once we reached KL it's already 7pm and the jam was nightmare. :(


additional leaves :P
once i sent jessi home, i headed to my own home to shower and ready to go out again to meet HL. she is finally back from india and took this opportunity to meet her up. my stomach was grumbling already and while getting ready, jessi bbm'ed me saying she left the ikan bilis in my car and needed it urgently. and she is hungry too~ so once i got ready, i fetched jessi and fetched HL to tmn megah's ming tien for dinner. and oh my~ fish head bee hoon never tasted THAT good.

after dinner, we sent jessi back and we went for drinks at funky villa. met up with shaaron and fanny. we chatted and laughed a lil and we headed home. damnnnn tired...~

the next day, had lunch at HL's place. her mom prepared yong tou fu for us. after lunch, we had sooo many places to go in mind but we ended up visiting her 'kai lui' milky and then headed for starbucks. after our drinks and i won a few rounds in checkers (muahahahaa~), we headed back to her house to meet her parents and then get my car and headed to subang. she rested in my room while i go wash my hair and get ready for dinner with her friends.

we had dinner at rakuzen in ss15. i've stayed in subang all my life and i have not tried rakuzen at all. and the food is damn good. after dinner we headed to enigma for drinks. both of us had 4 jugs... thats really crazy of us and we drank until we are the last table left. i think paula and evan wanted to kill us d. :P sent her back and i went home to sleep...

made plans with the cherating babes for supper at pudu wai sek kai. but before that, had late lunch with jim at mcd. went ahead to do some banking stuffs. and again reminded myself why i hate growing up. :( after banking, i had a lil time left to kill so went few round to find for parking and had froyo. ^^

fetched jessi and we shared a plate of fried kuay teow at ming tien while waiting for HL to be done with her dinner. fetched HL and then we headed down to KL to meet up with abbie. marie then joined us and then followed by nikie. we again enjoyed ourselves laughing like mad and stuffed our tummy with more food!

after supper, sent jessi home and we went for drinks again in ss2's wings musicafe with HL.

woke up at about 2pm and went for pan mee for lunch. not my fav food but HL was craving for it. after lunch we went to ikea walking around window shopping. had assam laksa den we headed home. i went home, got ready and here i am for midnite shift. and this post it self took me 6 bloody hours to type cos i was typing while doin my work... =.="""

and that is how i spent my leaves~

now, time to nap. oyasumi~

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

what do you want from me?

its so tiring to try to understand what everyone wants from me.

what do you want from me? im confused.

what does my family wants from me? im lost.

what does everyone wants from me? im tired.

i know the fact that we cant please everyone but at least i tried. until now. i am tired. i am at the peak of breaking down again. locking myself in my own room is the only place i hide from everything. heck, even my room is in a mess and i cant find peace in my room. i only can hide.

hopefully cherating this weekend will be a peaceful one...


Thursday, June 9, 2011

how time flies...

and im alre 25 yrs and 6 months old.

but im not talking about age today.

its gonna be 11 June soon. the trip we've been looking fwd to. i meant me and my colleagues. the very 1st email blasted to organise this trip was 14 Apr. i wonder how it'll turn out. and how drunk we will get. i'll fill in the details tweeting or fb when we're sober up.

oh. need to buy cigs for the trip... no. i failed quitting. again. will try the next attempt after my cherating trip. which is the following week. 18 June. :P

i dont want time to fly leh... in another 6 months time, i'll be 26. *sobs*

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

thirty two Bistro and Bar, Sunway Pyramid

i bought a deal in it was just rm25 for a 3 course meal.

well... it says it was a 3 course meal and it listed in the website like below :-
1 x Appetizer
Ceaser Salad or 32's daily bowl (soup)

1 x Main Course
Lamb Shank served with Braised Vege
Salmon Trout Grilled served with Hollandaise Sauces
Mixed Seafood de Olio Pasta

1 x Dessert Of The Day

1 x Chilled Juice
Orange Juice or Pink Guava or Pineapple or Mango

so i only expect that. but little did i know, when i went for the redemption with daph, the list turned out longer.

daph bought a few of this very same deal and she have tried it in sunway pyramid and also the one in puchong. she said the one in pyramid is better cos the service is better and also the food is better.

i like the environment very much. very quiet and perfect for a catch up with friends.

if you prefer live band, next door has live band as well. but i prefer the quiet side as i got lotsa catching up to do. :)

food wise is not bad. i especially love the soup. ^^

i like the main dish a lot. grilled salmon, mussel, squids and shrimp. and the sauce is super delicious.

for dessert they serve new zealand ice cream. its so creamy and it melts the moment u put it in your mouth.

the wine is not included of cos but i felt like drinking white wine that night.

cant wait for more deals. :P

meal break today

ok. i dont know why but i am in the mood to blog today. so dont complain that i have multiple updates today. better than updating once a week la, no?


girl : wo hui lai le...
guy : ni zhuo she me lan jiao. sian jai cai hui lai...
girl : ... wo shang che suo a...
guy : you mei you gai cuo...

this conversation happened when i was right in front of the cashier. the guy was handling my order. and the guy actually scolded the girl in front of me.

in case you dont even know how to read pin yin...

girl : im back...
guy : what 'lan jiao' you did? now oni come back...
girl : ... i went to the toilet...
guy : what nonsense...

so ya. scolding your staff in front of the customers? and he just threw the bloody bowl of porridge on my tray. ccb. luckily the porridge didnt splash at me.

and i sat down and have my porridge... and...

guy : hi miss. can i have some of your time?
me : *nods*
guy : hiiamnotsellinganythingsodontworryijustwannatellyouthatthesekidsneedyourhelp... blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla
me : ok. n den?
guy : sothesekidsneedsmilkpowderinordertohelpthem
me : *looks at him*
guy : andthemilkpowercostsrm30sowereallyneedyourhelptohelpthesekids
me : i didnt bring my wallet
guy : oh... itsokaycosucandonatesomemoneywilldoaswell
me : ok
guy : minimumdonationwouldberm20
me : i said i never bring my wallet. i only hv rm10. take it.
guy : ok ok. fill in here and sign here please.

i have soft ears and soft heart. and i just donate. i dont mind donating and to me, even if it is cheating my money, it is their problem. not mine. i've done my part.

guy : thank you very much. may you have healthy life...
me : xie xie...

interesting way to start my day...

got a wake up call - positive ^^

got stuck in the ever famous federal road (not highway. learnt that from her) - negative

idiot #1 cuts to my lane w/o signaling - negative stared cock at him.

idiot #2 cuts to my lane w/o signaling - negative no time to stare cock. rushing. william tell overture was playing in mind alre.

* i dont understand. their signal lights out of order or wat? go fix it la! so lazy to flick that er... thing... den dont smoke and flick the ashes and dont wank and dont finger your wife!
* and best of all. both of them are the same species.

went in to the parking zone and no empty space at sight. went 3 rounds. and it was 12:20pm alre - negative

tailed a walking guy and for the 1st time in my life he actually pointed that his car is just there and hand gestured asked me to wait - positive

reached office at 12:32pm - negative

foul mood level : 70%

i need my coffee...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Tetris - The Game

u've played the game, now apply it to your life. :)

Apart from being a fine game, Tetris is also a perfect mirror of the human condition. For a while the game is entertaining, and we seem to have mastered it and are having fun. Then, something goes wrong — a rash mistake, or an unfulfilled wish, and we’re fighting to repair the damage, but we’ve been thrown off-balance, and everything is piling up. Blocks that were once orderly and harmonious are jumbled and filled with holes, and our cup is on the verge of running over. There’s always a point at which we stop planning for the future, and realize that we don’t have one — all we can do is cling to the present and concentrate, focus our minds on what it’s like to be alive, to play the game, before it’s all over.

You were waiting for a four-by-one block that never came.

Sometimes we resist to the bitter end, moving blocks left and right without thought or care, just to hang on, and sometimes we accept the inevitable and pull the blocks down to us, smiling inwardly at the great joke. The rest is silence.

- taken from SweatLee's Blog

to u,

glad that you've moved on.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


i am! really!

so many movies i wanna watch but its either i do not have the time, or i do not have anyone to accompany me. :(

i wanna watch :-
paul (must watch!!!)
pirates of the caribbean
kung fu panda 2
something borrowed

i wan i wan i wan!!!

the latest movie i went for was F5. omfg! the koenigsegg ccx is to die for! i dun mind being single for the rest of my friggin life if i can have that car!
and then i found the new koenigsegg agera is damn sexy oso. *orgasm*
oh oh... and i watch thor. ahh.. the bodyyyy!!!

i am so outdated until the extend there is once i said i wanna watch this particular movie and then being laughed at cos it is not shown in the cinemas anymore. :(

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Adele - Chasing Pavements

I've made up my mind, don't need to think it over
If I'm wrong I am right, don't need to look no further
This ain't lust, I know this is love

But if I tell the world, I'll never say enough
'Cause it was not said to you
And that's exactly what I need to do if I'd end up with you

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place
Should I leave it there?
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?

I build myself up and fly around in circles
Wait then as my heart drops and my back begins to tingle
Finally could this be it?

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place
Should I leave it there?
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place
Should I leave it there?
Should I give up or should I just keep on chasing pavements
Should I just keep on chasing pavements?

Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?
Or would it be a waste even if I knew my place
Should I leave it there?
Should I give up or should I just keep chasing pavements
Even if it leads nowhere?