Friday, April 22, 2011

Strangers, again

caution :- emo post ahead.

saw this video that friends shared in facebook. and thought it is very meaningful...

it is about stages in relationships. and it really happens. i guess when something didnt work out properly, will eventually go downhill...

Stage 1 always happened so sudden. suddenly things just clicked and felt like that person is the person who is for you...

Stage 2 is always memorable. the late nite calls, the chattings, the going outs etc... things are just getting perfect.

Stage 3 is always sweet. doing things together. its like that person is a drug that u need everyday...

Stage 4 to me is always enjoyable cos both true selves is finally showing and needs understanding. i guess when working out in a rship, this stage is important cos thats when u need to be comfortable and accept who he/she is. during my high school years and college years, i guess i took this for granted. i just didnt bother until things turned ugly...

Stage 5 im always lack of patience. not that good in expressing myself to share how i felt and discuss and compromise. i guess this is my major issue? recent years, i did try, put in more effort in making things work, always cool myself down b4 major argument, always ask myself to be patient... but eventually, i still lost it...

Stage 6... the thing about me is that, when i lost it, i'll ignore. i'll run away. cos im out of patience to fix things...

Stage 7 breaking up... need i say much?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Busy week

i've been busy. and i have very good excuse to it!

i've moved back to subang now. everything is still in a mess. i still do not have my bed. i've been sleeping on a mattress on the floor. :(
the bed is arriving on 22nd apr. got it during the exhibition in pwtc. coincidently met a long lost fren there and she gave me a pretty good deal.

and then, i have to unpack the boxes in my room. please, dun underestimate the amount of boxes i have to unpack. staying here for the past 20 yrs can accumulate A LOT of stuffs. especially in a house full of women. u know how women are... "oh. this is important to me, cannot throw", "oh, this one can use wan, dont throw", "this one can recycle, dont throw..."

so yea... unpacking.

but i still cannot unpack any of them yet cos there is no wardrobe for me yet, no cabinet for me yet... basically, my room is still empty...

been going to look for a wardrobe n cabinet that i like, but none caught my eye. sighs... more shopping to be done. :(

apart from that, earthquake and tsunami decided to hit japan. and affected both the cables there. and it turns the team upside down. that week, u can see zombies growing in my team. not farnee...

however, i really respect the japanese cos they are still able to be so calm and the fact that they are so considerate touched me. heck, they even saved a dog.

i've been catching up with frens a lot tho... took this time to have a rest from TI. to settle hse stuffs and work and spend a lil more time with friends. TI members have been texting and calling me asking me when am i gonna be active again. lol... guys, i will. just let me settle my stuffs 1st la. im still T-I 027. :)

went enigma a lot. went new place - over time. went makan at new places... im still glad i have friends with me. i still remember the laughter drowned the whole crowd in hoi tong steamboat with maymay's "momma momma... i wan ice-cream" joke... lmfao!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wong Poh Restaurant @ Aman Suria

they are famous for their butter milk claypot crab. and jessi decided to bring me there to taste them. and in return, i need to help her with some stuffs. :P

Lesson #1, always go early. cos it will be damn packed!

Ham Dan Sotong...
just so so...

this... is to die for. Fried Bee Hoon with Lala.
i always loved lala. and the generous amount of lala they fried with... yumss...

can u see the lala? :D

the ever famous Claypot Butter Milk Crabbie...
if i am not that full, i would lick the pot clean...
its sooooo damn nicee!!

we ordered deep fried man tao to go with it. :P

u can order extra gravy if u want. and of cos at extra cost. :D

Monday, April 18, 2011

i can haz berry!

not blueberry, not strawberry... but...

a blackberry!

i was actually torn between red and white. and then... white and black...
red and white cos red... i got red lappie, red digital camera... match it up with red BB? :P
but the white is so... white... but i scared dirty very fast. so i was thinking about black kaler. but den black is... common. so at the end i got...


the box as usual contains charger, earpiece, numerous guide books, installation cd, usb cable...

first time using BB and still exploring. now i know why everyone in social media loves BB... ^^

it is not bad. kinda smooth. i think playing games wont be that smooth. this is afterall a BB, not iphone.

*thanks to someone for making this happen. :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

杨曼 / Yang Man - 泪海 / Lei Hai

ai yi bu neng dong
还有什么值得 我心痛
hai you shen me zhi de wo xin tong
想你的天空 下起雨来
xiang ni de tian kong xia qi yu lai
没人心疼 的黑夜
mei ren xin teng de hei ye
lian jia liang hang xian xian de lei shui
是你 哦 是你
shi ni o shi ni
让我望穿泪水 肝肠寸断
rang wo wang chuan lei shui gan chang chun duan

你怎么舍得 让我的泪 流向海
ni zen me she de rang wo de lei liu xiang hai
付出的感情 永远 找不回来
fu chu de gan qing yong yuan zhao bu hui lai
你怎么舍得 让我的爱 流向海
ni zen me she de rang wo de ai liu xiang hai
shang xin de wang shi yi mu mu
jiu xiang chao shui
jiang wo yan mai

ai yi bu neng dong
还有什么值得 我心痛
hai you shen me zhi de wo xin tong
想你的天空 下起雨来
xiang ni de tian kong xia qi yu lai
没人心疼 的黑夜
mei ren xin teng de hei ye
lian jia liang hang xian xian de lei shui
是你 哦 是你
shi ni o shi ni
让我望穿泪水 肝肠寸断
rang wo wang chuan lei shui gan chang chun duan

你怎么舍得 让我的泪 流向海
ni zen me she de rang wo de lei liu xiang hai
付出的感情 永远 找不回来
fu chu de gan qing yong yuan zhao bu hui lai
你怎么舍得 让我的爱 流向海
ni zen me she de rang wo de ai liu xiang hai
shang xin de wang shi yi mu mu
jiu xiang chao shui
jiang wo yan mai

bi shang le shuang yan
hai kan jian he ni de chan mian
yan jiao de lei shui
xi bu qu xin zhong
一遍一遍的 誓言
yi bian yi bian de shi yan

你怎么舍得 让我的泪 流向海
ni zen me she de rang wo de lei liu xiang hai
付出的感情 永远 找不回来
fu chu de gan qing yong yuan zhao bu hui lai
你怎么舍得 让我的爱 流向海
ni zen me she de rang wo de ai liu xiang hai
shang xin de wang shi yi mu mu
jiu xiang chao shui
jiang wo yan mai

i iz a cry baby... T.T

the first time i saw this MV was in enigma. and i teared... T.T
why the guy so mean wannnn???!!!

Lyrics in pinyin

泳兒 / Vincy Chan - 原來愛情那麼難 / Yuan Lai Ai Qing Na Me Nan

wei shen me ai hui xia qi yu lai
为什么我们 越走越散
wei shen me wo men yue zou yue san
为什么笑 有点不自然
wei shen me xiao you dian bu zi ran
为什么 我的爱 有点不安
wei shen me wo de ai you dian bu an

yan lei pai shan dao hai
zai di dang bu le shang hai
我们的 爱结束在这个夜晚
wo men de ai jie shu zai zhe ge ye wan
chun xia dong nuan duo xu yao you ni de pei ban
ci ke wo yi ge ren xi guan gu dan

ai zui tong de hu han
shi bu neng gou zai chong lai
多年后 我却牢牢记在脑海
duo nian hou wo que lao lao ji zai nao hai
幸福再来 我依然会充满期待
xing fu zai lai wo yi ran hui chong man qi dai
zhao hui ai zui chu de xing fu gang wan

wei shen me ai hui xia qi yu lai
为什么我们 越走越散
wei shen me wo men yue zou yue san
为什么笑 有点不自然
wei shen me xiao you dian bu zi ran
为什么 我的爱 有点不安
wei shen me wo de ai you dian bu an

yan lei pai shan dao hai
zai di dang bu le shang hai
我们的 爱结束在这个夜晚
wo men de ai jie shu zai zhe ge ye wan
chun xia dong nuan duo xu yao you ni de pei ban
ci ke wo yi ge ren xi guan gu dan

ai zui tong de hu han
shi bu neng gou zai chong lai
多年后 我却牢牢记在脑海
duo nian hou wo que lao lao ji zai nao hai
幸福再来 我依然会充满期待
xing fu zai lai wo yi ran hui chong man qi dai
zhao hui ai zui chu de xing fu gang wan

yan lei pai shan dao hai
zai di dang bu le shang hai
我们的 爱结束在这个夜晚
wo men de ai jie shu zai zhe ge ye wan
快乐太难 太心酸 
kuai le tai nan tai xin suan
wo cai fa xian le gu dan
原来 爱情真那么难
yuan lai ai qing zhen na me nan
原来 爱情那么难
yuan lai ai qing na me nan

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

凌加峻 / Ling Jia Jun - 三個字 / San Ge Zhi

nei yat yat siu dak je moh chaan laan ngoh jam se dak nei haam
jo siu chau ngoh do yuen yi wai liu bok hung yat siu

chung loi moot yau je moh seung yat gin si yuen loi yau je moh yat gin si
choi jik dak ngoh moon lau luen gam tin wai nei sei do hoh yi

chung chin yau na saam goh ji tin tin gong nei ji sui yin moot san yi daan yau yi si
ngoh chue maai chue maai je moh doh si gui ngoh ji seung nei hoh yi gan ngoh yat hei siu
chung chin na saam goh ji yan yan do jung yi ho bat hoh si yi
但是又有幾個人真正明白 那意思我只知道我只想你快樂
daan si yau yau gei goh yan jan jing ming baak na yi si ngoh ji ji do ngoh ji seung nei faai lok

趁住人多多講講心裏話 咁先至值囘票價
chan jue yan doh doh gong gong sam lui wa gam sin ji jik wooi piu ga
從此得你知我 任何事都不會怕
chung chi dak nei ji ngoh yam hoh si do bat wooi pa
從來沒有 這麽想一件事 原來有這麽一件事
chung loi moot yau je moh seung yat gin si yuen loi yau je moh yat gin si
choi jik dak ngoh moon lau luen gam tin jan dik wai nei sei do hoh yi

chung chin yau na saam goh ji tin tin gong nei ji sui yin moot san yi daan yau yi si
ngoh chue maai chue maai je moh doh si gui ngoh ji seung nei hoh yi gan ngoh yat hei siu
chung chin na saam goh ji yan yan do jung yi ho bat hoh si yi
但是又有幾個人真正明白 那意思我只知道我只想你快樂
daan si yau yau gei goh yan jan jing ming baak na yi si ngoh ji ji do ngoh ji seung nei faai lok

jau suen gam tin bat joi chong gwoh jok yat ngoh jam moh gong do mo wai
jau suen gam tin bat joi chong gwoh jok yat ngoh yuen yi dang ha hui
再等下去 再等下去
joi dang ha hui joi dang ha hui

chung chin yau na saam goh ji tin tin gong nei ji sui yin moot san yi daan yau yi si
ngoh chue maai chue maai je moh doh si gui ngoh ji seung nei hoh yi gan ngoh yat hei siu
chung chin na saam goh ji yan yan do jung yi ho bat hoh si yi
daan si yau yau gei goh yan jan jing ming baak na yi si ngoh ji ji do ngoh ji seung nei faai lok
ngoh ji seung nei faai lok

Bruno Mars - Grenade

Easy come, easy go
That's just how you live, oh
Take, take, take it all,
But you never give
Should of known you was trouble from the first kiss,
Had your eyes wide open,
Why were they open?
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked,
Cause what you don't understand is

I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same

No, no, no, no

Black, black, black and blue beat me till I'm numb
Tell the devil I said “hey” when you get back to where you're from
Mad woman, bad woman,
That's just what you are, yeah,
You’ll smile in my face then rip the breaks out my car
Gave you all I had
And you tossed it in the trash
You tossed it in the trash, yes you did
To give me all your love is all I ever asked
Cause what you don't understand is

I’d catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same

If my body was on fire, ooh
You’ d watch me burn down in flames
You said you loved me
You're a liar
Cause you never, ever, ever did baby...

But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Throw my hand on a blade for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
I’d jump in front of a train for ya (yeah, yeah , yeah)
You know I'd do anything for ya (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Oh, oh
I would go through all this pain,
Take a bullet straight through my brain,
Yes, I would die for ya baby;
But you won't do the same.
No you won’t do the same,
You wouldn’t do the same,
Ooh, you’ll never do the same,
No, no, no, no

Monday, April 4, 2011

蔡依林 / Jolin Tsai - 倒带 / Dao Dai

我受够了等待 你所谓的安排
wo shou gou le deng dai ni shuo wei de an pai
shuo de wei lai dao di duo jiu cai lai
总是要来不及 才知道我可爱
zhong shi yao lai bu ji cai zhi dao wo ke ai
wo xiang yi lai er ni que dou bu zai

应该开心的地带 你给的全是空白
ying gai kai xin de di dai, ni gei de quan shi kong bai
yi ge ren jia ri fa dai cao bu dao ren pei wo kan hai
我在幸福的门外 却一直都进不来
wo zai xing fu de men wai, que yi zhi dou jin bu lai
ni lei ji gei de shang hai wo shi zhen de hen nan shi huai

终於看开爱回不来 而你总是太晚明白
zhong yu kan kai ai hui bu lai, er ni zhong shi tai wan ming bai
最后才把话说开 哭著求我留下来
zui hou cai ba hua shuo kai, ku zhe qiu wo liu xia lai
终於看开爱回不来 我们面前太多阻碍
zhong yu kan kai ai hui bu lai, wo men mian qian tai duo zu ai
你的手却放不开 宁愿没出息求我别离开
ni de shuo que fang bu kai, ning yuan mei chu xi qiu wo bie li kai

你总是要我乖 慢慢计划将来
ni zhong shi yao wo guai, man man zhi hua jiang lai
wo de yan lei que yi zhi diao xia lai
过去怎么交代 你该给的信赖
guo qu zen me jiao dai, ni gai gei de xin lai
bei ni qin shou huan huan tui ru xuan ya

从我脸上的苍白 看到记忆慢下来
cong wo lian shang de chang bai, kan dao ji yi man xia lai
guo qu tian mi zai dao dai zhi shi gan jue yi jing bu zai
而我对你的期待 被你一次次摔坏
er wo dui ni de qi dai, bei ni yi ci ci shuai huai
yi jing sui cheng tai duo kuai yao zen me pin cou gen chong lai

终於看开爱回不来 而你总是太晚明白
zhong yu kan kai ai hui bu lai, er ni zhong shi tai wan ming bai
最后才把话说开 哭著求我留下来
zui hou cai ba hua shuo kai, ku zhe qiu wo liu xia lai
终於看开爱回不来 我们面前太多阻碍
zhong yu kan kai ai hui bu lai, wo men mian qian tai duo zu ai
你的手却放不开 宁愿没出息求我别离开
ni de shuo que fang bu kai, ning yuan mei chu xi qiu wo bie li kai

终於看开爱回不来 而你总是太晚明白
zhong yu kan kai ai hui bu lai, er ni zhong shi tai wan ming bai
最后才把话说开 哭著求我留下来
zui hou cai ba hua shuo kai, ku zhe qiu wo liu xia lai
终於看开爱回不来 我们面前太多阻碍
zhong yu kan kai ai hui bu lai, wo men mian qian tai duo zu ai
你的手却放不开 宁愿没出息求我别离开
ni de shuo que fang bu kai, ning yuan mei chu xi qiu wo bie li kai