Friday, April 22, 2011

Strangers, again

caution :- emo post ahead.

saw this video that friends shared in facebook. and thought it is very meaningful...

it is about stages in relationships. and it really happens. i guess when something didnt work out properly, will eventually go downhill...

Stage 1 always happened so sudden. suddenly things just clicked and felt like that person is the person who is for you...

Stage 2 is always memorable. the late nite calls, the chattings, the going outs etc... things are just getting perfect.

Stage 3 is always sweet. doing things together. its like that person is a drug that u need everyday...

Stage 4 to me is always enjoyable cos both true selves is finally showing and needs understanding. i guess when working out in a rship, this stage is important cos thats when u need to be comfortable and accept who he/she is. during my high school years and college years, i guess i took this for granted. i just didnt bother until things turned ugly...

Stage 5 im always lack of patience. not that good in expressing myself to share how i felt and discuss and compromise. i guess this is my major issue? recent years, i did try, put in more effort in making things work, always cool myself down b4 major argument, always ask myself to be patient... but eventually, i still lost it...

Stage 6... the thing about me is that, when i lost it, i'll ignore. i'll run away. cos im out of patience to fix things...

Stage 7 breaking up... need i say much?

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