Tuesday, September 28, 2010


screw you.

yea. u read it right. screw-fucking-you...

recently i've been seeing tooooo many accident involves motorcyclists... and from wat i see... it is the motorcyclist's fault...

1st incident
when i was in around segambut at the kampung area. the traffic light was green and i was at before the cross box cos the road in front is still congested. so when the traffic light turned red, being a good girl, i stayed put where i am at... the 1st car, myvi on the left start to turn and... BAM... they hit a bike, with 2 malay guys on it. and of cos it is the bike's fault la. our light is red ma. who ask that fella be super hero fly straight?! luckily the myvi didnt drive fast, if not, the motorcyclists confirm crushed!

2nd and 3rd incident is about the same.
it was raining. not that heavy la. nicely can see the bikes playing slide. the 2nd incident is 2 malay girls on it. they were riding nicely and suddenly they just fell and slided. no. no car hit them cos it was bloody jammed up at ldp. they just fell.
and the 3rd incident is 1 malay guy... also same thing. he just fell and slided. his ass was rubbing against the floor sliding. its alre raining... u need to bring the bike so fast or not?

4th... which is today... which is yours truly's turn. my turn.
i finished my midnite shift and had a short breakfast with my colleague. so of cos i headed back to subang. the usual turning i take is always the turning in directly to ss19. not the carrefour exit.
as i was turning left, sticking to my damn lane turning in to subang. the bike hit me behind. well... not exactly behind. it was at the left side of the car at the back seat's door. it was a fucking turning, and that rider wanting to go straight. the impact was quite bad till i almost lost control on the wheel. when i manage to control and stick to my own lane, i looked at the left side mirror. 2 malay guys fell from the bike tergolek on the road. it was a turning. there is nowhere for me to stop. and moreover, im the only one in the car. i dun think i dare to get down the car oso...

luckily, im ok.

when i found a place for me to stop and check on my car, my heart sank.

the scratch is so damn deep. but fine... its ok. can just get it fixed and repaint the whole damn door. which i've checked the price. rm200++...

but even my rim is scratched. so fucking deep and obvious some more... sighs...

initially... my rm200 is for my knight rider... now... have to wait next month jor~ T.T im even thinking to put my tattoo on hold... sighs...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I wan new tattoo!!!

ya. my title says it all. i wan a new tattoo!!!
and i feel like a walking zombie nao...

went times square today to witness both my colleagues getting tattoo. both 1st timers. and its giving me the itch to do another 1. :P
alre got the design done. now just gonna get the cash done. hahaha!

had fun time laughing throughout the day. sometimes i wonder why i got such TL and colleagues. =.=

my TL got this really nice tribal wing on his back till arm. and another colleague got 'fierté' on his arm which means pride in french.

samson went to get it done 1st. cos his is big and merv has not decided what to do yet. while samson spent hours in the room, merv starts hunting for the design he want. after merv got the design he wanted, we went for lunch leaving samson alone in pain.

after samson, it was mervin's turn. stood beside him throughout the whole process. his freezing cold hand was holding mine throughout the whole session. lol. damn cute.

we arrived at about 12pm and left at 6pm. and it was raining heavily. by the time i reached home was about 7.30pm. =.=

and i dont think i want ANY of them to be around during my session. cos i sure cannot tahan and laugh out loud wan...


i wan i wan i wan...

*calculates this month's expenses*

Saturday, September 25, 2010

sexy ass!

hehe... cant help it... friggin sexy!!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

蔡依林 / Jolin Tsai - 无言以对 / Wu Yan Yi Dui

窗外天亮了 房里还是有点黑
chuang wai tian liang le fang li hai shi you dian hei
yi zheng ye he zhe shuang yan shi mian you dian lei
zhuan guo shen wo yong bai zhe shuang ren chuang gu dan de mian bei
qing chen zhe yi ke shui pei ni he ka fei
爱情璀璨后粉碎 像流星划过后下坠
ai qing cui can hou fen shui xiang liu xing hua guo hou xia zui
你说我们是同类 你缺少的我无法给
ni shuo wo men shi tong lei ni que shao de wo wu fa gei

你把爱作废 借口多刺耳迂回
ni ba ai zuo fei jie kou duo ci er yu hui
你沉默流泪 是不是无言以对
ni chen mo liu lei shi bu shi wu yan yi dui

就算心碎 就算崩溃
jiu suan xin sui jiu suan beng kui
jiu suan nan guo na me shen sui
别给我安慰 那只是美丽的虚伪
bei gei wo an wei na zhi shi mei li de xu wei

窗外天亮了 房里还是有点黑
chuang wai tian liang le fang li hai shi you dian hei
yi zheng ye he zhe shuang yan shi mian you dian lei
zhuan guo shen wo yong bai zhe shuang ren chuang gu dan de mian bei
qing chen zhe yi ke shui pei ni he ka fei
爱情璀璨后粉碎 像流星划过后下坠
ai qing cui can hou fen shui xiang liu xing hua guo hou xia zui
你说我们是同类 你缺少的我无法给
ni shuo wo men shi tong lei ni que shao de wo wu fa gei

你把爱作废 借口多刺耳迂回
ni ba ai zuo fei jie kou duo ci er yu hui
你沉默流泪 是不是无言以对
ni chen mo liu lei shi bu shi wu yan yi dui

就算心碎 就算崩溃
jiu suan xin sui jiu suan beng kui
jiu suan nan guo na me shen sui
别给我安慰 那只是美丽的虚伪
bei gei wo an wei na zhi shi mei li de xu wei

to say hey yeah
there is nothing to say
to say hey yeah
there is nothing to say

说错对 比是非
shuo cuo dui bi shi fei
jiu jing hai shi wu lu ke tui
shuo bu hen ni na shi zi ji kou shi xin fei
无所谓 无所谓
wu suo wei wu suo wei
hui yi jiu xiang zhi tie shen gui mei
wu chu duo duo lang bei

你把爱作废 借口多刺耳迂回
ni ba ai zuo fei jie kou duo ci er yu hui
你沉默流泪 是不是无言以对
ni chen mo liu lei shi bu shi wu yan yi dui

就算心碎 就算崩溃
jiu suan xin sui jiu suan beng kui
jiu suan nan guo na me shen sui
别给我安慰 那只是美丽的虚伪
bei gei wo an wei na zhi shi mei li de xu wei

to say hey teah
there is nothing to say
to say hey teah
there is nothing left to say

王力宏 / Lee Hom - 你不知道的事 Ni Bu Zhi Dao De Shi

hu die ca ji ci yan jing
zai xue hui fei xing
ye kong sa man le xing xing
dan ji ke hui luo di

wo fei xing
dan ni zhui luo zhi ji
hen kao jin
ai ting jian hu xi
dui bu qi
wo que mei zhua jin ni

ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me li kai ni
wo jian chi bu neng shuo fang ren ni ku qi
ni de lei di xiang qing pen da yu
sui luo man di
zai xin li qing xi

ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me hen xia xin
hai xuan zai ni kan bu dao na gao kong li
wo de shi
ni bu zhi dao de shi

hu die ca ji ci yan jing
zai xue hui fei xing
ye kong sa man le xing xing
dan ji ke hui luo di

wo fei xing
dan ni zhui luo zhi ji
hen kao jin
ai ting jian hu xi
dui bu qi
wo que mei zhua jin ni

ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me li kai ni
wo jian chi bu neng shuo fang ren ni ku qi
ni de lei di xiang qing pen da yu
sui luo man di
zai xin li qing xi

ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me hen xia xin
hai xuan zai ni kan bu dao na gao kong li
wo de shi
ni bu zhi dao de shi

wo fei xing
dan ni zhui luo zhi ji

ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me li kai ni
wo jian chi bu neng shuo fang ren ni ku qi
ni de lei di xiang qing pen da yu
sui luo man di
zai xin li qing xi

ni bu zhi dao wo wei shen me hen xia xin
hai xuan zai ni kan bu dao na gao kong li
wo de shi
ni bu zhi dao de shi

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


woot... just for fun... hehe...
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.9

林宇中 / Lin Yu Zhong - 路过的新娘 / Lu Guo De Xin Niang

路走了一段 还每到一半
lu zou le yi duan hai mei dao yi ban
zen me hui jue de hao chuan

赤着心像赤着脚 所以痛楚不堪
chi zhe xin xiang chi zhe jiao suo yi tong cu bu kan

给了一座山 换来泪一滩
gei le yi zuo shan huan lai lei yi tan
yan tu xing fu dou bu liang

一路走到绝望 不是跌伤
yi lu zou dao jue wang bu shi tie shang
shi wang xiang shi ran

wo bu gai dang ni shi xin niang
zhe tiao lu bu qu jiao tang
现在我也不会 瘫在路旁
xian zai wo ye bu hui tan zai lu pang
kan zhe ni zhuan wan

wo bu gai dang ni shi xin niang
zen hui you wei lai ke jiang
你只是走累了 借我肩膀
ni zhi shi zou lei le jie wo jian bang
jin jin shi zhe yang

路走了一段 还每到一半
lu zou le yi duan hai mei dao yi ban
zen me hui jue de hao chuan

赤着心像赤着脚 所以痛楚不堪
chi zhe xin xiang chi zhe jiao suo yi tong cu bu kan

给了一座山 换来泪一滩
gei le yi zuo shan huan lai lei yi tan
yan tu xing fu dou bu liang

一路走到绝望 不是跌伤
yi lu zou dao jue wang bu shi tie shang
shi wang xiang shi ran

wo bu gai dang ni shi xin niang
zhe tiao lu bu qu jiao tang
现在我也不会 瘫在路旁
xian zai wo ye bu hui tan zai lu pang
kan zhe ni zhuan wan

wo bu gai dang ni shi xin niang
zen hui you wei lai ke jiang
你只是走累了 借我肩膀
ni zhi shi zou lei le jie wo jian bang
jin jin shi zhe yang

ni bu guo shi lu guo de xin niang

我当你是新娘 路不去教堂
wo dang ni shi xin niang lu bu qu jiao tang
现在我也不会 瘫在路旁
xian zai wo ye bu hui tan zai lu pang
kan zhe ni zhuan wan

wo bu gai dang ni shi xin niang
zen hui you wei lai ke jiang
你只是走累了 借我肩膀
ni zhi shi zou lei le jie wo jian bang
jin jin shi zhe yang

ni zhi shi lu guo de xin niang

when u need help...

from a fren whom u have not contact for the longest time... how would u start a conversation?

conver A
fren: hi. r u still working with xxx company?
me : no. y?
fren : no la just wanna ask the price for ccc product
me : oh. no la. not working thr for 5 yrs d lor.
fren : oh ok. so how r u?
me : not bad. so far so good... and u? how have u been?


conver B
fren : hey~ how have u been?
me : doing great~ wassup?
fren : well. just wanna check if u r still with xxx company
me : nope. why?
fren : no la just wanna ask the price for ccc product
me : oh. no la. not working thr for 5 yrs d lor.
fren : ic ic. alrite. thanks.
me : np. :)

i'd obviously go for conver B. unless it is via email and i need the answer urgently from that person once that person is online. if not, via chat, i would go for conver B.

my ex high school mate pm'ed me in msn and started exactly just like conver A. and honestly, it is not the 1st time she is like that. which pisses me off!

who the fuck do u think u r? if it is like that, even if i know anyone from xxx company oso i wont ask for u d. i could go to that extend. but no. not for u.


╔══╗ ♥ ♫ ♥
║██║ ♫ ♥ ♫

btw. cute icon huh? copied from samson's fb. :P

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Shoe Shopping~

few weeks back, i went for a nice shopping. tho the smell was quite bad... and the shopping wasnt for myself... but for my Lil Viva~ and i enjoyed myself! hrm... i guess my long over due facial sessions can wait lor hor? :P

colleague brought me to a few shops to check out the rims. total shops we went were, i think 3 or 4 shops. the 1st few i didnt quite like the design. and plus, i wanted 15". some said can, some said cannot. when they said can, macam no confident. when they say cannot, macam tak mau business. cos my car very small oni, and i die die oso wan 15"... finally we ended at the last stop. where he showed me akina. offset. 15". and it is the silver i wanted! muahahahah~ apa lagi. change lor.


after much bargaining, thanks to my colleague oso. bargain master la she... she got me a pretty good price which ended up total is rm 1300 including new tyres ^^

smelly tires...

but i didnt have much cash that time, so we requested for a 2nd hand tyres 1st and until my pay comes in, we'll go back and change the new ones. and the boss agreed~ ^^

jacked up...

so the rims was changed on that day itself with the 2nd hand tyres. and the feeling is different. not a good different. but a bad different. so right after i got my pay, we went back to the shop and get the tyres changed.

removing old shoe...

once the new tyres are in place. the driving went so smooth. ^^

akina shoe shoe~

there. new shoes... and new name given... 1st, Vava. 2nd, Lil Viva. 3rd, Panda Lui. 4th-now, Akina-chan... lol...

Friday, September 10, 2010

temporary venting

too long to vent in twitter...

why is it evrytime we do things for her, she wont know n then keep throwing temper at us? I know. I know she's old n all that. but cant she see everyone is suffering too? evry thing is planned for her sake. wanted condo, but remained cos for her convenience. seeking high n low for a place for her to stay temporary, but of cos need the price to be cheap too cos budget is very limited now. what are her sons doing? how well her sons know about her n this house's condition? when suggested to move the furniture to somewhere, all u say is no need. can u imagine all the dust? use plastic to cover? u think your mom can tahan? oh wait. she never vent on her sons. only to me mainly cos I am seeing her most of the time. what am I to do? if I tell out, the feedback I always get is 'she's old d. tahan la.' ya... I will tahan. until the extend I slit myself. luckily I moved out once to ss2 n once to ara dsara. if not, I think there'll be more lines. really... how much do u guys understand on the condition i'm going through...?

wait till the house to be ready, I doubt any of her sons will come over n help her clean... cover with plastic???
Published with Blogger-droid v1.5.8

Saturday, September 4, 2010

田馥甄 / Hebe - 寂寞寂寞就好 / Ji Mo Ji Mo Jiu Hao

hai shi yuan lai na ge wo
bu guo liao diao ji gong shen lei suo yi bian shou
dui zhe jing zi wo cheng nuo
chi zao wo hui hai zhe zhang lian yi tui xiang rong
不算什么 爱错就爱错
bu xuan shen me ai cuo jiu ai cuo
早点认错 早一点解脱
zao dian ren cuo zao yi dian jie duo

wo ji mo ji mo jiu hao
这时候谁都别来安慰 拥抱
zhe shi hou shei dou bie lai an wei yong bao
jiu rang wo yi ge ren qu tong dao
受不了想到 快疯掉 死不了就还好
shou bu liao xiang dao kuai feng diao si bu liao jiu hai hao
wo ji mo ji mo jiu hao
ni zhen de bu yong lai wo hui yi li wei xiao
wo jiu bu xiang xing wo hui ben dao
忘不了赖着 不放掉
wang bu liao lai zhe bu fang diao
人本来就寂寞的 借来的都该还掉
ren ben lai jiu ji mo de jie lai de dou gai huan diao

我总会把你戒掉 Oh WU Oh
wo zhong hui ba ni jie diao oh wu oh

hai shi yuan lai na ge ni
shi wo zi ji zuo meng ni you gai bian shen me
zai duo de ai ye mei yong
mei ge ren yao mei ge ren de nie zhang yin guo
会有什么 什么都没有
hui you shen me shen me dou mei you
早点看破 才看得见以后 OH
zao dian kan po cai kan de jian yi hou OH

wo ji mo ji mo jiu hao
zhe shi hou shei dou bie lai an wei yong bao
jiu rang wo yi ge ren qu tong dao
受不了想到快疯掉 死不了就还好
shou bu liao xiang dao kuai feng diao si bu liao jiu hai hao
wo ji mo ji mo jiu hao
ni zhen de bu yong lai wo hui yi li wei xiao
wo jiu bu xiang xing wo hui ben dao
忘不了赖着 不放掉
wang bu liao lai zhe bu fang diao
人本来就寂寞的 我总会把你戒掉
ren ben lai jiu ji mo de wo zhong hui ba ni jie diao

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

La Bodega with colleagues

ok ok. i know my blog has been collecting dust. and my punishment for leaving the blog covered with dust is, falling sick. being attacked by flu and cough now. a mild one tho. :P

last week was one of those typical outing planned among our team for an outing. i know they have badminton outings but i was too lazy to exercise. the word exercise has never appeared in my dictionary before. so i didnt join them.

however, this time... they planned for dinner and drinking session... so how can i say no when there is food and booze? :P..

they have planned for a wine session at la bodega in bangsar. this all started out when isaac requested for somewhere with sofa and jazzy music. so the hunting began for lela to hunt for a place. and it is decided to be in la bodega.

mervin and lela~

i was lucky enough that i found a parking spot right in front of la bodega. whereby others went for dinner in bangsar village and walked over.


it was fun that night. lots of laughing. i am somehow glad that our team is this close... perhaps i am born as an only child. hence, when i am surrounded with people who is same age as me, i felt like im surrounded by siblings...

lela, mervin, samson and yvonne went for dinner in bangsar village first. i on the other hand stayed up most afternoon playing with my new toy. :P but took short nap after playing with my new toy, thats why i didnt join for the early dinner.

samson and me~

i arrived at la bodega and met up with isaac and isaac sou 1st. went in and told the staffs the reserved name. we were then lead to sofa seat... as what isaac expected. lol...

isaac and isaac sou~

3 of us sat and ordered our food leaving drinks alone for our host, lela to make the decision.

minutes later, the others joined in and later on cheryl joined as well. our spot started to filled with lots of laughter. and... the gay-ish moments... bwahahhaha... and out of expectation, ryan joined as well~ lol. really unexpected. bcos usually he dont really join us for outings. :P

Me, Lela, Samson and Yvonne

la bodega session ended earlier than wat most of us expected. approx 11.30pm... isaac and isaac sou left cos isaac sou need to work the next day. the mysterious mervin left as well to only god knows what plan...

leaving only me, lela, yvonne and samson... torn between clubbing and K session. at the end we decided to go for K session at the gardens. that... was the 1st time i held the mic and sang in front of colleagues. #-.-#

i dunno la. self esteem issue i guess cos i dont know how to read chinese and nice K songs are usually in chinese. :( and my memory sucks, the only songs i can memorize are outdated songs... :( :(

the night ended at 3am, all went home and i went back to the office. :)

** all pictures are from merv~ i was too lazy to bring my camera...