Tuesday, September 14, 2010

when u need help...

from a fren whom u have not contact for the longest time... how would u start a conversation?

conver A
fren: hi. r u still working with xxx company?
me : no. y?
fren : no la just wanna ask the price for ccc product
me : oh. no la. not working thr for 5 yrs d lor.
fren : oh ok. so how r u?
me : not bad. so far so good... and u? how have u been?


conver B
fren : hey~ how have u been?
me : doing great~ wassup?
fren : well. just wanna check if u r still with xxx company
me : nope. why?
fren : no la just wanna ask the price for ccc product
me : oh. no la. not working thr for 5 yrs d lor.
fren : ic ic. alrite. thanks.
me : np. :)

i'd obviously go for conver B. unless it is via email and i need the answer urgently from that person once that person is online. if not, via chat, i would go for conver B.

my ex high school mate pm'ed me in msn and started exactly just like conver A. and honestly, it is not the 1st time she is like that. which pisses me off!

who the fuck do u think u r? if it is like that, even if i know anyone from xxx company oso i wont ask for u d. i could go to that extend. but no. not for u.


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btw. cute icon huh? copied from samson's fb. :P


Samson said...


BlurCo said...


i got give credits lorrr!