Friday, September 10, 2010

temporary venting

too long to vent in twitter...

why is it evrytime we do things for her, she wont know n then keep throwing temper at us? I know. I know she's old n all that. but cant she see everyone is suffering too? evry thing is planned for her sake. wanted condo, but remained cos for her convenience. seeking high n low for a place for her to stay temporary, but of cos need the price to be cheap too cos budget is very limited now. what are her sons doing? how well her sons know about her n this house's condition? when suggested to move the furniture to somewhere, all u say is no need. can u imagine all the dust? use plastic to cover? u think your mom can tahan? oh wait. she never vent on her sons. only to me mainly cos I am seeing her most of the time. what am I to do? if I tell out, the feedback I always get is 'she's old d. tahan la.' ya... I will tahan. until the extend I slit myself. luckily I moved out once to ss2 n once to ara dsara. if not, I think there'll be more lines. really... how much do u guys understand on the condition i'm going through...?

wait till the house to be ready, I doubt any of her sons will come over n help her clean... cover with plastic???
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