Sunday, June 14, 2009

Post by Blackilocks

i found this post here. and i thought it's just so beautiful...

It's So Easy To Love You

I can't find a love song that is suitable because we are so much more than one song.

You make it so easy to love you.

I can't find a photo that looks good to me because only videos can express your personality.

I can't help falling into your arms the moment I met you.

I can't help disliking people who are unworthy of you.

I can't help wanting to wear your shirt to feel close to you.

I can't bear to see you cry.

I can't bear saying goodbye because I will miss you.

I realised that our past made us who we are today.

I thank everyone that disappointed us because they made us ready for each other.

You make it so easy to love you.

I can't seem to find fault with you.

I can't help thinking we are made for each other.

I can't stop myself from falling deeper day by day.

I want to do my best by you.

I want to sayang you to sleep and wake you up with a kiss.

You make it so easy to love you.

I want to make sure your toes are covered during the night.

I want to experience simple pleasures during complicated times.

I can tell it's you by the sound of your footsteps.

I know when you are sad.

I know when you are in a bad mood.

I know that you will never hurt me.

I want to build a little house for you in my heart.

I want to share my dreams and aspirations.

I love it when you are childlike without being childish.

I love it when you take me for a spin.

I love it when you style my hair.

I love it when you make love to me.

I want to be your wife.

You make it so easy to love you.

Initially, I wondered why I don't seem to want to blog about you.

Then I realised why.

It is because we are living our dream and actions have taken over words.

Blackilocks, im sorry if i offended you by posting your entry here. i just find it is really nice the way u put it. let me know if u want me to remove it. :) cheers.

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