Saturday, June 27, 2009


remember i was saying i was gonna go to pos laju office to collect my stuffs?

it happened like this.
ystd nite while following up the drama that was happening, aunt called.

*green green~*
ahyi: eh. u got warning letter ah?
me: ha? impossible. i pay every month wan. u dun lie la.
ahyi: really la. got pos laju notification here at home.
me: den how u know it's warning letter? pos laju tell u ah?
ahyi: how i know wor? usually is like that wan ma.
me: -_-"

so, the initial plan was just to pick up my stuff from pj pos laju branch den just go work...


aunt called telling me there's another parcel to collect.


went to the pos laju at subang, then to pos laju at pj den oni go work. never late some more. so pannai hor?

the one i collected from subang branch, which i have no idea that it was coming is actually a flask. from HLB. token of appreciation wor... ok lor.

den, the one in pj is another MPC. :P

who wanna teman me shopping for lappie?

i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie. i wan lappie.


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