Monday, June 29, 2009

Peaceful Sunday

Ystd really walk until my legs numb eh…

I woke up at about 12 or 1pm… (I think). Went online a while with Facebook a little, Restaurant City a bit.  :D

Before I know it, it is alre 3pm. :P

So off I went for my bath and dress up. :P

Settle my MPC bills and my car loan and headed towards The Curve. Parking was easy despite it’s a Sunday and it is pack with people. But I manage to find parking within 5 mins. Sweet. :)

Went walking around flea market. And my hand was really really itchy till I can just buy at least one stuff at each stall. T_T
Anywaysss, bought the bag organizer that my colleague wanted. :)
Btw, this bag organizer thingie is really great for people like me and my colleague who loves to carry big bags. You know how your things tend to get so messy in your bag and u don’t know how to find tiny things till u need to pour out everything in order to get that ONE thing that u were looking for? This bag organizer thing actually fits your bag, doesn’t matter if your bag is smaller cos it is adjustable.

These are my stuffs in my bag. and it is just part of it. :P and yes. i bring coffee everywhere i go. :D

this part is where u wanna put things that cant be seen...

this can be bought at The Curve's flea market. the stalls are rotating. so walk around and hunt for it if u r interested. :)

After getting the bag organizer, headed towards Cineleisure. At 1st I wanted to buy advance tickets but unfortunately not available. So I went Juice Works and got their Cookies and Crème as meal replacement. It’s actually filling eh and delicious too.

Went to IKEA to get those transparent shoe boxes. I have to get those. All my shoes are well kept in boxes by my lovable grandma, which most of the time I don’t know where is it placed. So I need to raise my voice a bit (she got hearing problem wan ok. Not I did it on purpose) whenever I was seeking for my shoe. And bought something else. :P

After that, I wonder around killing time to meet big cow for dinner. After dinner, balik, online lagi… sleep.

1 comment:

Big Cow said...

eh?? i also want a bag organizer! i want! i want! i wannt!!!!!!!!!!!! :P