Saturday, March 14, 2009

should i...

bang my head against the wall?


slit my wrist?


kill someone?



... take mc?

"why?" u ask me.


ok. i figure this font is kinda small hor?


if u still asking wtf is that.... let me tell u wtf is that...

that... is... the... result... for... lucky... draw... for... the... meet... and... greet... session...

yes...! that is the freaking result for the meet and greet session for sunburst! artist of my choice! my bloody choice. not that i know who i wanna see but ah... ya. my freaking choice!

and now u must be wondering why am i so freaking pissed till i have to kill myself?!

cos am freaking working on that fucking day!!

sorry about all the freaking cursing. but i just cant help it! fuck!!

and then... u must be thinking, take leave la.

im not dumb ok? of cos i tried. twice. but... REJECTED. fuck again!

should i even try the wonderful piece of paper? MC? but... it's a 2pm to 2am concert leh. the next day i'll be tired like fuck leh...


i wish someone can just kill me now. seriously...


Big Cow said...

wat is the reason they dont wanna give u leave?

M-Tequila said...



weekends and midnite shifts cannot take leave...

and den hor...

ask me change shift with colleagues...

it's weekend off...

who would sacrifrice their weekend off la? sighsssssss...

Big Cow said...

But hor if u take mc, it's very obvious u fake mc wor....

M-Tequila said...

sigh... i oso know... thats why i dun plan to take mc liao...

Big Cow said...

then how? u paid RM200++ for that tix right? gonna let it burn ah? somemore let the chance of meeting the artist of your choice down the drain? :O

go ask ur colleagues la...

M-Tequila said...

sell off the tix lor... no choice wat.

Vertex said...

congrats for being the among the 5 lucky winners..and felt sorry for you for not being able to attend it..

M-Tequila said...

sighs... i wonder if i can give away my slot...

Vertex said...

give away ur slot on?anyway..have you ever try asking ur other coll to change the shift?mayb there are some people who is kind enough to exchange with you..just dun be so freustrated...

M-Tequila said...

yea. i tried asking. but none of them willing to exchange. well, who would give up their weekend offs?

amywinko said...

HAHAHA!!! That cracked me up!!! LOL! I will probably just fake a car breakdown or (my fav) my dog ate my car keyss!!! -_-"