Monday, March 9, 2009

leave me alone grandma...

perhaps it's time of the month again. im feeling all grumpy and obnoxious and... blargh...

i've been doing midnite shift for the whole week.

ruined a few things. do not wish to elaborate as it's pissing me off. fucking selfish and childish.

i thought my car got hit by another car at the bump when i was on my way home from work in the morning. but i didnt dare to stop as it was friggin ugly wira and colors thats... falling off and rusted everywhere. when i arrive around my area, and i checked. nothing happened. must be me being too sleepy and imagining things. gosh...

i had off on friday and saturday. den work on sunday midnite till monday morning. den monday and tuesday off. den wednesday work morning shift...

having those off days so close to each other. my grandma being pain in the ass saying i'll soon get fired bcos i skip work so much. wow... thanks for bringing down my spirit to work...

stress... big cow. get me away from home! i cant stand her!!

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