Sunday, March 22, 2009


previously, when i was working in mid nite shift, other agents tend to leave the cups in the basin unwashed. and whenever kakak comes in, she'll be upset cos she have to wash all the cups. and mind you. it's not even in her workscope. she is only in charge on cleanliness in the premise and wash ONLY bosses and managers cups. not agents.

the agents once got to the extend, they used the kettle to cook maggi and left it unwashed too... gosh...

so now, kakak got fed up alre. left only limited cups for the midnite shifts. she kept the pot. all locked.

with tha limited of cups, there are still agents who refuse to wash it. so, when there's no clean cups, poor innocent agents would need to wash the cups in the basin so that they can use it.

how inconsiderate.

if u do not know what am i talking about. it's ok. cos i dont think i know too. just wanna rant out something and im currently in my office. on a sunday. without aircond. with the sun glaring... im like in a sauna surrounded with PCs...


1 comment:

Big Cow said...

i think that's a normal culture in a call centre. :D even last time when we were in DG also like that wat... also when i was in itt, ppl are like that, the kakak in itt got so pissed she was banging stuffs around... hahahahaha.... the best part was, our management did put a sign saying: Your mom isnt here, please wash your own cups!!

but no, still the same leh.... call centres are full of kids, immature kids, kids who are pampered all their life, that's why they dunno how to wash their own cups :D best suggestion, bring ur own cup and put in ur locker :D