Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Nga Pou Kai Fan - Claypot Chicken Rice @ Old Town PJ...

I finished working at 5.30 that day ( i think it was a saturday), and my aunt decided to have dinner together. i asked big cow along for dinner with me, my aunt and my grandma. So my aunt decided to try out the claypot chicken rice in PJ Old town. 

Thats my grandma "oi enough la. i take myself la!" 

Dinner is served...

Basicly, the food is not bad. the claypot chicken rice is nice. im not a claypot chicken rice fan, but i think it is delicious. we ordered 2 pots. 1 with salted fish and 1 without. i prefer the one without salted fish because u can fully taste the tastiness of the claypot chicken rice. not to say the one with salted fish is not nice la. just that... it's my personal taste. :D

The vege and tofu is not bad either.

Rank : 3/5

The service is kinda bad. i ordered my lime sour plum juice but it didnt arrive, and we tried to order another time and it turns out they dont have it. they only have sour plum juice. and i think they're pretty rude... i dont know. perhaps it was peak hour and they're really busy. oh well...


on sunday, we went to have kajang satay. im sorry. i forgot photos. was too hungry. after kajang satay, we went rounding a while and decided to go to my late-greatgrandma's place in jinjang, kepong. sat for a while. being told by relatives "aiyo michelle. stop eating so much lo. so fat already" 
and i just ate kajang satay till me n big cow was super full. ohhhkayyy...

then again we went rounding and suddenly

big cow : ei. got bring camera or not?
me : got.
big cow : got battery or not wan?
me : got
big cow : mmm... ok la. we go KLCC to take pictures
me : orh...

i never take pictures of KLCC at nite b4 so i thought, why not?

few minutes later...

big cow : u r gonna hate me...
me : why?
big cow : i'm lazy to go alre
me : -_-"


Big Cow said...

hahahahahahaha..... wokie wokie... we go klcc take picture la..... when i m in the mood these few days before returning the car to my dad... hahahahahahah

Blind said...

If you fancy claypot chicken rice, I recommend Restaurant Gafan at Tmn Connaught, Cheras. If you're around there, perhaps you can drop by. Oh yeah, they open a branch at Paramount Garden too but have not been there.