Saturday, March 14, 2009

made a research...

about memory loss and high blood pressure... see if its related...

so i found... this...

If you are experiencing dizziness, blurred vision, confusion, memory loss or nausea it could be because you have malignant hypertension. This type of high blood pressure leaves you at a much higher risk of suffering from a stroke or a heart attack in the near future if left untreated.

Source here...


Vertex said...

do take good care...nothing much more important than your health..cheers!

M-Tequila said...



but ah...

i still smoke like chimney...


M-Tequila said...

hmmm... vertex, do u have a blog? perhaps i could add u on my links. :P

Vertex said...

sorry..I don't have a blog :)
but if happens u really do have high blood pressure, try to avoid smoke so encourage the high bloody thingy..

M-Tequila said...

haha... thanks for ur concern.

it's just that... there's a lot in my head... :)

Vertex said...

buy a memory card and store all the stuff inside...lessen ur burden!

M-Tequila said...

how i wish life can be SO simple.