Monday, March 30, 2009

i am single... and very available...

... and i am happy!

wow... michelle thong being single. weird huh? yea yea... the loneliness will definitely strike once or twice in a blue moon... but at the mean time. i am happy.

compare to my previous attempts on staying single. i find this time it is rather successful! and i shall be single as long as... er... hmmm... more than 1 yr! yes! i shall be vegetarian for 1 yr!

*thinks* does ONS count?

previously, once i broke up. i would find someone else, like in a flash, in order to replace the other. i know it is wrong. and all ended up into a shitty rship.

but the fear of being alone is there and it is scary till at the end, it causes me doing silly things. eg, smoke like chimney or slitting.

good news is, i havent been slitting for 2 yrs alre.
bad news is, once in a while the urge is there...

the biggest contribution here is my dear big cow. always keeping me accompany. hmmm... or more like i keep her accompany. or vise versa. it doesnt matter anyways. we are the inseparable cows. :P

new friends i made, which makes me laughs the shit out of me. sam, khian and jc. idiots... :D

my aunt, who still constantly nagging at me. she's getting old. thats why getting naggy. :P

my granny, who cares in a way sometimes made me felt touched and wanna cry. T_T (big cow, dont say i dont love my granny k? just cant stand the fact that she gets on my nerves easily, its a family thing...)

thank you guys...


Chris Wong said...

you are welcome mich mich!

Big Cow said...

small cow, big cow lapp u deep deep, k? :P

anyway, thanks for teman-ing me and listen to all the mememememememememememememememememememememememeemememememe


i know u lapp your ah ma alot also la... but hor... sometimes i see u lose ur cool so fast hor, i feel bad for ah ma also... but hor... ah ma also sometimes ask for it one la... i think i should just shuddup :P

anyway, see u in a bit! gonna leave office now :D

sirei said...

who needs a man~

i've been single for almost erm... i dunno lar XD