Tuesday, February 17, 2009

vday and the next...

had my vday spent in cineleisure and watched The curious case of benjamin button in platinum suite. and boy... it was really comfy. really really comfy...

where we entered...

waiting area

need to check on ur mails? there's internet...

waited too long and thirsty? help urself a drink...

towards another waiting area...

the idiots waiting for the movie to start...

rating 1 to 10. i gave 9.

on vday nite itself i went over to big cow's place to stay over cos we were planning to go for early movie as she got tickets. suppose to watch mayley and me. but... we decided to continue sleeping and fuck the ticket. :D

by the time we woke up, we scratched our head on what to eat. at first big cos wanted to eat sushi king. so we went 1u and at the end we decided to take bbq plaza instead and will take small portion of sushis later on. 

bbq plaza @ 1u

bbq plaza @ 1u

bbq plaza @ 1u

bbq plaza @ 1u

bbq plaza @ 1u

bbq plaza @ 1u

bbq plaza @ 1u

after bbq plaza, we went mph and hang around a while until we decided to go off. 

we came across a newly opened dessert shop. 

it has really nice ambience. 

the dessert is nice. just that, bcos it is sweet, they should serve a small glass of water to each customer. but they didnt. and it is bcos they're new and they have this hong kong style dessert, they only have the name of the dessert in the menu. we thought it's better to have descriptions instead.

rating 1 to 10, we gave it 7. 

big cow heard there's this nice loh mai kai wraped in bun skin in sri petaling, so we drove all the way there to try it out. 

kai wo pau

and seriously...

it's freaking good.

in big cow's language. 

it's fucking good. lol...

rating 1 to 10 i gave 9.5. cos nothing is perfect. big cow gave 8.5. cos she dont like the yolk and too much onion...

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