Friday, August 29, 2008

Ohhh Happy Day~~~ *singing*

Such a lovely day isn’t it? Everyday is a lovely day. Agree? Well, that depends how u see it. Hahaha!


I’m just having an extremely good mood today.


It just happens that I received an extremely good news.



Well, u get good news leads to u have good mood.

I shouldn’t be talking so much cock rite? Hahaha…

Alrite… the good news is… *drumrolls*

I got a job!

And it pays fucking well!

And it’s not 24 hour shift!

And it’s multinational company!

Thank God I quit my previous job.

But I got another interview on Wednesday. Should I go and try it too?

I'm so so so overjoyed now! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~!!!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

2nd chances are bullshit

There’s no such thing as 2nd chance. Why am I so dumb to give my exs 2nd chances whenever they did something wrong?

The agency called me today, regarding my interview with my ex company that I really wish to joined back.

I failed. They rejected me.

All I’m asking for is just another chance to serve the company once more and change my fucking working ethics. And I dun even deserve that chance at all.

Tho I was aware that my records are bad 3 yrs back. And I am well prepared that I might get rejected. But when I got the call, my heart shattered. I cried so hard. Why? Why can’t they just give another chance? They could just fire me if I really didn’t perform. I rather have them to fire me if I didn’t perform rather not giving me any chance to perform.

I’m even crying when typing this.

Michelle… michelle… u look so stupid for crying over some company rejected you… but I couldn’t help it. Just as stupid as, I already know I got bad records, and yet I’m still sending myself in to get rejected. Stupid huh?

If I’m not determined to change myself, why should I be sending myself in to get rejected?

Monday, August 25, 2008

interview whole damn day

Yea… the title sound ridiculous rite? Its true lorh. I really interview whole day. And it’s my 1st time interview whole damn day. Tiring leh…

Today my actual plan was…

9am for 1st interview, then 12pm another interview. Head home, rest a while den go work out.


After my 1st interview, another company called. So since I was in KL, mind as well go finish all my interviews. So, that interview was quite flexible. He said after I settle all oni give him a call.

So I settle my 2 interviews and gave him a call, and he told me to meet him at 2.30pm.

Went in at 2.30pm. 1st he interviewed me for the position of telemarketer. And he actually gave me chance to choose between telemarketer or customer service. I hate selling things so I choose customer service instead. So he called the person from customer service department to interview me instead.

The interview was fun. I saw him circling mostly 4.5 points. It was range of 1 to 5. yay! I love to go interviews when I’m sleepy. Cos I tend to talk a lot when I’m sleepy. Hehehe… weird huh? After being questioned by him. He told me to wait for a moment, as he wanted me to proceed being interviewed by the manager level instead.

*tick tock tick tock*

Den went interview with the managerial levels. It went well too. Yay yay! Den they ask me to wait again cos they need to discuss if I’m suitable. Then the guy came up to me, ask to wait a while, so he could contact the senior manager level for another interview. Bah…. So many levels geh… about 10 mins later, he came up to me again and said the senior manager went out to meet her client. So I don’t need to wait anymore. But will call me again tmrw and if possible, I need to go back there either tmrw or Wednesday.

It was already 5.30pm when everything is done. 2.30pm till 5.30pm. whole 3 hours… siao!

Done lots of walking today, plus it was kinda late d, so… gym canceled! Wahahaha… ei… no kidding lorh. Kenot feel my legs d.

im home.

Weeeeee! I’m home! I’m home!


It’s late now! Cant type much.


Wanna sleep now. Got interview tmrw. Wish me luck!!!


Friday, August 22, 2008

streamyx finally

i finally received the streamyx in-a-box package from GDex. but it was few days ago and i was kinda lazy to put it together since i'm still using the maxis broadband. so finally, my butt got itchy so i put it together. but unfortunately the light at the 'link' is still blinking. according to TSK (registered through her), she said if it's still blinking means it's not stable. so i went ahead and call 100 using the home fixed line.

i called total of 3 times and the 1st call i made, i wanted to vomit blood.
it was an indian guy who attended to me. i explained my situation to him front how i connected the cables to how i saw it blinking. and he told me to install the CD. i was like 'huh?' tho i'm not that IT savvy, but if the router is not even showing a stable sign, even if i install the CD, it wont work isnt it??

so, i went ahead and explain again. he didnt even bother to help me to troubleshoot if i did put in any cables wrongly or some sort like that and he insisted that i need to install the CD 1st. so, fine.

i tried installing and damn i was right. it cant even detect the router.

so i called again. this time it was an indian lady to assisted me. and she was right. i was dumb enough to plug in the cables wrongly. *oops*. and i liked the way she handled the situation. very straight forward, very well mannered.

so i went ahead and install my CD. and it got stuck again when it was about to create the dialer.

so i called again, my 3rd attempt. this time it was a malay lady. tho she's a little slow understanding my situation. but when it comes to solution, she's very good. she gave every single detail i need, without me asking.

muahs! love the 2 ladies.

i personally thinks that in order to solve your customer's needs, 1st u need to understand the whole situation. not just kick it away like a ball and taichi-ing troubles away.

the guy for example, it is obvious that he didnt know what i was facing. as an customer service, you should know that if the light is blinking, which means something is wrong with the connection instead of just simple as installing the CD only.

take some time, understand ur customer's needs. need not worry about them getting angry for asking them too detail. cos at the end, it'll be 'pap pap pap. 1 2 3'. all the details are just right in front of them and they'll be very happy with it.

Monday, August 18, 2008

wish me luck...

went for work out again. my legs muscles are not that painful anymore. now is my upper arm. hehe... i love the pain. i love the pain so much till i wonder wat if next time when i did go regularly and i dun have the pain anymore. how??

but unfortunately, they close early today. they having annual dinner. and they only announced it 30 minutes before they close. so we didnt take our sweet time to bath and just went off.

sat at the mamak with lynn for drinks and talk talk talk. imagine. 8pm talk till 10.45pm. hehe... girls will be girls la. keep talking.

now i'm home. all bathed clean n smooth n feel good bout myself. *pom* tmrw is my interview! *jumps in excitement*

-good impression
-talk properly to sell myself
-just say wat is relevent

wish me luck!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


i noticed i've changed.

i used to be a person who discuss things. explain things in detail. make them understand something clearly.

but now...

i refuse to explain things anymore.

why explain when people would think that i'm just giving excuse? just sit n watch me. dont expect me to explain things anymore.

and when people just shoot things at me. i feel hurt. don't u understand me well enough that it was the past? do i need to explain more on why is it like that and now is different? do u even have brains to think that i am actually a human with mistakes from the past too? even if i explain, would u think that it's just an excuse?

so now... would u still want me to explain things and make myself like a helpless bitch who only keeps giving excuses? or would u rather keep me this way and keep watching me change? if so... explain to me why...

now, i rather keep things to myself. even it exceeds my own bloody limit. i'll definitely find my way to get rid of things other than slitting my thighs.


one of my biggest regrets is quittng my old company. other than quitting, my performance sucks. tho my team leader told me that my warp up time is good and he like the way i handle over the phone. but my attendance sucks. yes. i'm always MC.

never once late for work. just that once there's this stupid huge traffic jam that i got stuck at batu tiga toll for nearly an hour. really stupid unreasonable jam. and few minutes late after the 10 minutes late which we are entitled twice other than 1hr meal breaks.

after i resign, all my work experience sucks. cos, i regretted. until the recent 2 companies, i tried my best to perform. but they just step over their employee's head.

now, i finally got the chance to go for interview with them. part of me, i'm really excited. another part of me, scared. scared of being rejected. sighs...

i just got back home from drinks with HTL.

and i dont know why, i feel like doing stupid stunts again. which i havent been doing for a long long time now till the scars is already fading. now i feel like adding new scars.

ish... stop thinking. stop!!!

Friday, August 15, 2008


im a messy person. in every way.

messy house.

the only place that is not messy in my house is the living hall n kitchen. which are all downstairs. cos it has to be presentable. but upstairs. believe me. if u say ur place is messy. come see my place, upstairs that is.

i got the feeling to clean it tmrw, but have to meet TSL after her work. so, i do not want to be all tired after all the cleaning.

mental note: IT HAS TO BE CLEANED!!!

i'll post a picture of it on how messy it could be, after i clean it up. before n after photo mar... ngeks.

messy life.

i dont know wat to do with my life. still fixing the puzzle. i dont have any memories these recent yrs. u know what u watched from tv when they said that part of memory is erased because that person doesnt have good experienced in that part thats why they cant recall that part. well, yeah. i think thats me.

i'm scared u know. really. whenever TSL told me about our past like 'oh. remeber when we yada yada yada?' and i will go. 'no, i dont remember. oh really?'. or when TJL told me we have watched a show at the actors studio before. or how we celebrated his 19th bday. it's scary. and now when HTL asked me if i know that someone from the call centre, my head went blank. i know i heard of that name somewhere, but... how i know her/him?

when i try to recall some certain things, i only have pieces of it. everything is so blur.

gosh... i better end here. i feel like crying again.

but before i do, happy things did happen to me.

like i said, my cheque cleared. done my online assessment. got another interview from the company i wanted. *screams' YAY!'* facial on saturday. getting streamyx very soon.

ahh.. happy things are coming back to me. i wonder where's the good feng shui from. another sagi, which is also an ox is getting her luck back too. call me superstitious but i really wonder was it the sagi part, or the ox part.

and oh!!!

i'm officially addicted with FaceBook.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


my cheque is finally cleared. finally i can do the things i want. FACIAL!

it's been a while and my face i tell u, look like rot d... sobs.

and one more thing is tempting me. fitness centre.

will be going with TSL to renew her fitness centre's pass. she's lucky. her bf's father is the diamond member or some sort like that so he can give certain ppl free!

so when i'm there... i scared i kenot control myself. but, now i'm still job hunting so i'll be free to work out n loose weight. perfect timing. but i'll be damn broke la. bah... consequences consequences...

the last time i felt i'm pretty was like when i was 18 yrs old. not pretty as in Ms Universe pretty la. as in, healthy n fit pretty.

and im only like 23. feel dem guilty...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

3rd uncle's bday

it was my 3rd uncle's 50th bday yesterday. so we gave him a surprised.

i actually totally forgotten that it was yesterday so i already made appointment with TSL for drinks. but later on when my aunt's informed me. so i called TSL and asked her to come along.

TSL has been like a family friend already. and we're known each other since Std 3. *counts* wow... that's like 13 yrs already...

it's just a small family get-together dinner kinda thing. and my 3rd aunt cooked mutton curry! her mutton curry is fabulous!!

presenting the food. not so appetizing hor? but the mutton curry is damn nice lor. oh... got pizza oso. due to massive diet mode is on. i only took one small piece. so so craving for pizza for... quite long time d. :D

ta-da! bday cake picked by my aunt front Sense Cake House. not that nice tho. very sweet. and got a bit taste like medicine. the texture is nice tho. very soft.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

dumb and brainless people...

they shud just stay away from me. really... before they shorten my life by few years.

i couldnt believe it i actually used to be on a relationship with her and she's so fucking dumb!!

last week, i already told her that i'm becoming anti social. i DO NOT want to trust anyone. i DO NOT wanna keep in touch with any of my hypocrite friends. which i also told her who is who n why is why n wat is wat n how is how... blah blah blah... i told her every single detail on why am i becoming anti social!

but no... she dun get it. she still come and pm my in msn asking me that. 'hey, aaaaa's bday is coming, wanna celebrate with her?' i replied no, am not interested and i dun bother.


'oh. haha. ok. so did aaaaa's call u out for drinks?'


the weather is enough hot, my house have no peace! dun add fire on me already!!!

i ignored her.

should i add her in my anti social list as well?


Anti-Social Mode : On

Sunday, August 10, 2008

wonderful weekend

it's been a wonderful lovely weekend. enjoyed myself very much. ever since i've decided to go on MIA, i did not expect anyone to call me. such peaceful weekend.

but TSL texted me asking where am i. and i text TSK about is there any toy poodle or miniature schnauzer for breeding. and of cos, all the way, whenever my phone rings be it is phone call or text msg, i always expect it's my aunt.

so now, whenever my phone rings, it's either my aunt, HTL, job recruitment agents, and celebrity fitness, i dont know who gave them my number. sighs...

have an interview tmrw. so nervous. tho i have been to numerous of interviews, this time, i'm extra nervous. cos it is the company that i have always wanted. and it's only to the agency! i wonder how would i be when i come face to face to the actually company. *sweats* so dem kan cheong.

and i've been looking up and down for my CV file and my certs for the past 2 weeks, and just now when i dig through my whole study room, i'm only able to find it. and my hands are all covered with dust. ish... dem itchy now. and my nose. *sniffs*

ahhh... wish me luck~ muacks~

Thursday, August 7, 2008

new blog, new life, new beginning...


- ditched my old blog
- ditched my ex
- ditched my job
- ditched my old self

and no... i've not...

- found any job
- found any new purpose in life

it's really been an roller coster ride these 2 yrs. and what happened after i broke up is rather fucked up. like i've said, new life, new blog. so i shudnt be saying things from the past. but all i can say is. sucks.

today wasnt so interesting. went out in the morning to acc JA to her interview. she said it's been a while she's been to an interview so she was afraid and nervous. haha... cute girl. after that headed to my old office to collect my pay cheque and clear up my things. there's a new girl sitting at my desk already. i wonder how long she could stand. she seems like those goody goody type. ahh... not my business anymore. company like that shud might as well hire aunty n uncles to work only cos youngsters just wont survive there. and why uncle n aunties will survive? cos their time is flexible and they can go out in the middle of work to fetch their kids. i've seen how the lady boss treated them, and they still keep this job bcos of the flexibility.

i'm not staying in this kinda company. i dun need flexibility. i need good working environment and people who listens and accepts opinions. what to do.. cinapek company.

after clearing my things, JA sent me home. i wanted to head to parade so i could sit in mph and read books. but then again, i woke up early. so might as well i rest at home.