Wednesday, August 13, 2008

3rd uncle's bday

it was my 3rd uncle's 50th bday yesterday. so we gave him a surprised.

i actually totally forgotten that it was yesterday so i already made appointment with TSL for drinks. but later on when my aunt's informed me. so i called TSL and asked her to come along.

TSL has been like a family friend already. and we're known each other since Std 3. *counts* wow... that's like 13 yrs already...

it's just a small family get-together dinner kinda thing. and my 3rd aunt cooked mutton curry! her mutton curry is fabulous!!

presenting the food. not so appetizing hor? but the mutton curry is damn nice lor. oh... got pizza oso. due to massive diet mode is on. i only took one small piece. so so craving for pizza for... quite long time d. :D

ta-da! bday cake picked by my aunt front Sense Cake House. not that nice tho. very sweet. and got a bit taste like medicine. the texture is nice tho. very soft.

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