Sunday, August 26, 2012


we didnt know what to expect from this movie at the beginning.

we were done with our dinner with her friends, so we didnt know what to do after that. while driving around, we wanted to ask if abbie wants to go enigma, cos its been a LONG time since i last step in enigma. i didnt even manage to ask about enigma, she said she is heading to cineleisure for midnite movie. me and LGZ very long never watch movie alre, so we went ahead. didnt know wat r they watching even... when i realised abbie is a horror movie maniac, i called her back and warned her, NO HORROR MOVIESSS!!!

abbie apps'ed me saying movie starts at 12:05am, and we were damn early. we sat at chocolate and chit chat a while.

when we were in the cinema, LGZ finally asked me. "actually... what movie are we watching ah?" hahahahaa!!! =.="" when i told her its ParaNorman, she looked skeptical.

at the beginning, the norman was watching tv with his grandma. when he went out and help his dad with some stuffs, he requested the dad to turn up the tempreture because his grandma's feet is freezing. then, his father said, "your grandma is dead"

Norman speaks to dead people.

follow by totally unexpected funny scenes. and the story line is nice. unpredictable! and i actually asked myself WHY I DIDNT WANNA WATCH IT EARLIER?!??!?!!!

really worth watching.

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