Thursday, August 9, 2012

Jerejak Resort


finally can post up a proper update. hahaha... its been a while eh?

latest on me is that... we went to jerejak for vacation. we as in me and bii~

it was a disappointing trip tho. lots of unsatisfaction. but overall, i enjoyed the trip with her. ^^

this picture is taken from the jetty by bii...

we arrive penang and went walk around in queensbay mall. had our dinner there and then took the scheduled boat over to jerejak.

the check in was a breeze and i requested for hair dryer from them.

once we reached to the room, it was rather disappointing. the room condition is ok. but it was pretty dusty. it caused itchiness on our skin.

we slept like a pig cos we didnt sleep for more than 24 hours. hahahaa...

the next morning, we wanted to have our buffet breakfast as told by the front desk the night before. when we arrived at the cafe, the whole thing is empty. =.=

finally someone appeared and said they will prepare a la carte instead. when i asked if they will give us menu. they didnt. they said they will prepare anything that they have in the kitchen... walao...

breakfast... sucks...

scramble egg, baked beans... and patty.. for burger. but... no bun given... @.@

we decided to walk over to the beach nearby. but sucks... the smell was awful!

the boat schedule sucks.

sucks sucks sucks until i dont feel like blogging about jerejak anymore.


we checked out and went penang. i slept in the car while bii drove to batu ferringhi. sat at one of the cafe and  enjoy the ocean breeze. had coconut drink.

and then...

i slept all the way back oso... hahahahaa~ so bad la me, left bii drove alone. :P

cant wait for our next trip! ^^

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