Wednesday, June 8, 2011

meal break today

ok. i dont know why but i am in the mood to blog today. so dont complain that i have multiple updates today. better than updating once a week la, no?


girl : wo hui lai le...
guy : ni zhuo she me lan jiao. sian jai cai hui lai...
girl : ... wo shang che suo a...
guy : you mei you gai cuo...

this conversation happened when i was right in front of the cashier. the guy was handling my order. and the guy actually scolded the girl in front of me.

in case you dont even know how to read pin yin...

girl : im back...
guy : what 'lan jiao' you did? now oni come back...
girl : ... i went to the toilet...
guy : what nonsense...

so ya. scolding your staff in front of the customers? and he just threw the bloody bowl of porridge on my tray. ccb. luckily the porridge didnt splash at me.

and i sat down and have my porridge... and...

guy : hi miss. can i have some of your time?
me : *nods*
guy : hiiamnotsellinganythingsodontworryijustwannatellyouthatthesekidsneedyourhelp... blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla
me : ok. n den?
guy : sothesekidsneedsmilkpowderinordertohelpthem
me : *looks at him*
guy : andthemilkpowercostsrm30sowereallyneedyourhelptohelpthesekids
me : i didnt bring my wallet
guy : oh... itsokaycosucandonatesomemoneywilldoaswell
me : ok
guy : minimumdonationwouldberm20
me : i said i never bring my wallet. i only hv rm10. take it.
guy : ok ok. fill in here and sign here please.

i have soft ears and soft heart. and i just donate. i dont mind donating and to me, even if it is cheating my money, it is their problem. not mine. i've done my part.

guy : thank you very much. may you have healthy life...
me : xie xie...

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