Thursday, March 4, 2010

idiot drivers

i cannot stand idiot drivers...
dont they know fast lanes are for people who drives fast?
when i was on the way to work, this bloody black KIA cut in to my lane which i was driving in the fast lane. i have no issues with ppl cutting into fast lane in front of me if the other lane is slow.

but HELLO...

when he was in the fast lane, he is constantly stepping on the break. and there is no car at all in front of him! none! the road is bloody clear in front of him! and he need to always press break! wah lau! 3 bloody cars cut in front of him already.

i then flashed light bcos he is ridiculously slow in the fast lane alre. he was at 80km/h.

guess what...

he still dont get it...

bcos other lanes are also slow and i cant possibly over take him. i am stuck behind him.

it is ok if it is moving smoothly...

but... no...

den... he gave sudden break, which i almost hit his car's butt. and which someone almost hit my car's butt also! and why? bcos he wanna cut out to the other lane and exit at the PJ hilton road.

if u r so damn rich can afford imported cars ah, pls la. use that bloody extra money and learn driving again la! and remember ok, dont bloody give duit kopi to get your bloody license ok! idiot KIA driver!


Ken Wooi said...

maybe he thought it's the opposite? lol..

BlurCo said...

opposite? how can?! =.=

loveisgreat said...

haha. i think i can understand tat anger of urs. but pls be calm n cool. :)

Unknown said...

once u got a chance of overtaking him... be sure to get infront of him and go slower than his "slow" pay back time~ (god damn i am evil)